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An hour later she had yet to go back to sleep, but was content watching a movie on her phone.

"So I have an appointment in an hour, but I can cancel it if you want me to stay with you." I told her, unsure of how she would react, but she looked to me calmly.
"Don't cancel it, I'll be okay." She told me.

"You sure?" I asked her, seeing her immediately nod.

"I mean, Luke will be checking in of course and I'm only one call away- I'll leave the appointment if you need me, just call me" I told her firmly, seeing her dimple come onto her cheek, telling me she was smiling.

"I'll be fine, ash"

An hour later I left her, having a counseling appointment with a girl who just came to discuss life basically, her mom wanting to be sure there wasn't more to what she was saying.


I closed my eyes, wanting nothing but to sleep.

The blood.

I wasn't ever going to be able to sleep until I cleaned that shit.

So I got up, disconnecting my cords again, slipping my Vans on and walking straight out of the hospital without anyone even questioning it.

I then got an Uber, then driving me to the house.

I got out, going in without a second thought, thankful that the door was unlocked because I had no keys.

I got all the supplies I knew I needed, heading to her room.

I exhaled slowly.

I walked in, seeing the blood, it wasn't as bad as I remembered it, but still not good.

I started scrubbing.

I noticed his blood on Eve's favorite teddy bear.

"No" I mumbled to myself before immediately scrubbing it, praying it would come out.

Just as I got the stain almost completely out of the carpet, I heard the living room door open.

I got up quickly, looking out the window- seeing Ashton's car.

I exhaled, knowing he probably wouldn't be happy, but not exactly caring.

Soon I heard footsteps behind me as I scrubbed.

"Okay." I heard his voice exhale before he came into my line of vision.

He didn't speak

He grabbed one of the multiple brushes I had, starting to scrub a wall that a perfect handprint had slid down.

I pictured Jacob's blood hand dragging down it.

I shook my head, making myself stop

"You don't have to help" I told him, seeing him make eye contact with me.

"I'm not leaving you to do it alone,"

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