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I woke up holding Ava, making me immediately look to her face- seeing that she was still sleeping.

I kissed her head gently, immediately trying to make myself go back to sleep, until I heard the door open.

"Fuck" I heard Michael's voice whisper, making me immediately turn and look to him.

"Oh thank God, you're awake." He spoke.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I am in desperate need for Tylenol and breakfast."

As much as I didn't want to, I got up- getting him Tylenol before we went out a group message telling everyone we were going to pick up breakfast.


I woke up to an empty bed.

I immediately grabbed my phone, seeing several texts.

To group:
Ashton: mike and I are grabbing breakfast for everyone from Mel's

No one had responded, telling me that everyone else was still sleeping.

Then there was a separate text

Hey lovebug, ran to grab breakfast with Michael, should be back shortly with your favorite.

I smiled, texting him back

See you soon <3

I got up, brushing my teeth and fixing my appearance before going right back to bed, feeling pretty shitty.

I knew it was likely the lack of sleep, but I had no energy.

Before I knew it, I fell right back asleep


I got home, knowing Ava was awake due to her texting me, but I immediately knew something was off when she wasn't up.

I went into our room, seeing her laying down, firmly asleep as I had left her.

She must've woken up and went right back to sleep.

I kissed her head gently, immediately feeling heat- which alarmed the doctor in me.

I went to the bathroom, grabbing the thermometer and touching it to her forehead, as soon as it beeped- her eyes opened.

"Sorry baby" I spoke, reading it


"Do you feel okay?" I asked her slowly

"I'm just tired." She told me quietly, grabbing my hands gently.

"Okay" I nodded slowly.

"Well stay in bed, I'll bring you breakfast-" "no, I'll get up." She told me, immediately moving the sheets, but I could tell that she definitely didn't feel like her normal self.

"No I'm serious- you took care of me all day yesterday. Stay in bed, I'm bringing you breakfast in bed." I kissed her forehead before leaving her.

I grabbed her plate, explaining to Michael that she didn't feel great before bringing it to her.

I gave her Tylenol first, hoping to manage her temperature and make her feel better.

I then watched her proceed to play with what is normally her favorite breakfast, making me know- something was wrong.

As I questioned her for symptoms, she continued to dismiss me, telling me that she was just tired.

"You should go eat with the guys, it's rude to leave your house guests unattended." She told me, making me immediately laugh.

"That was a very nice way of telling me to leave you alone" I spoke, seeing her smile lightly to me.

"Kiss?" I asked, seeing her immediately move to me, making me peck her lips gently

"Eat your food, I'll come check on you shortly."

"Is she pregnant?" Was the first thing Michael shot out when I listed how she appeared to me.

"I hope not- we haven't had sex" I managed to laugh, seeing his eyes widen immediately.

"You guys have been a thing for months now-" "we are taking it slow, I don't want her to feel rushed into anything." I told him quietly, seeing him nod slowly, a firm smile on his face.

"You have grown so much since college."

I'd surely hope so.

Soon Luke and Sierra had joined us, Calum trailing in not too much longer after them, everyone eating in different areas of the house.

I went to check on Ava, seeing her laying back down, eyes closed.

I looked to her plate- seeing that she had probably eaten three bites, pushing around the rest.

I covered her more, shutting the door to let her rest.

We all ended up chilling together for a few hours, Ava never joining us, telling me that she definitely didn't feel good.

She has never missed a moment to be with everyone and she hasn't even came out of the room today.

Soon everyone left, all of them having different plans for today.

I ran a bath for Ava, putting in a few essential oils and bath salts that I knew she liked when she was in her period, so maybe it would work now.

I woke her up, feeling her immediately hold my hands in her own.

"I ran you a bath- maybe it'll make you feel better." I suggested to her, seeing her kid slowly.

I gave her space as she took a bath, shortly after coming out- covered in my clothes, moving into my hold.

"Where is everyone?" She asked me quietly, into my chest.

"Everyone went home, they sadly can't stay here forever." I laughed, feeling as if I could feel her smile into my shoulder.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked her, letting my hand touch her forehead, still feeling a little more heat than I wanted to.

"I just really want to lay down."

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