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I took my pills, seeing Ava cooking, knowing it was for me- she wasn't going to eat it anyway.

I sat at the counter, hating everything about this house.

Nothing had changed.

Everything was still here, how they had left it, as if we were both scared of touching anything that they had last touched.

"Can we move?" I asked Ava, who didn't even look to me.

"Why do you want to move?" Ava asked slowly.

My temper had been so easily set off with her. Ashton and I had been working on it, but right now- it didn't work

"Maybe because this is the house our dead parents and little sister lived in and everytime I turn around, I have to see something that reminds me of them." I spat, making her clear her throat.

"Are you capable of helping me pack everything up to move to a different house?" She asked.

"We can hire people-" "that's going to cost thousands of dollars with all the shit we have left of them." She told me.

"Then fuck- I don't know, leave it all- we don't need it anyway. Or maybe stop being tight as fuck over the money and spend some of it on the shit we need to do. You got all of the insurance money, money from the drunk drivers family and hand outs from the funeral, but yet I haven't seen a fucking dime, what kind of shit-" "Jacob, please stop." I heard her voice firmly say as she kept her back to me.

"No- you need to start listening to what I feel- Ashton says that communication is key for you and I to get along, but yet you don't communicate shit when it comes down to where the money is and why you are in charge of all of it-" "Jacob." Her voice was louder and firmer, making me stop,

She swallowed firmly, turning to me

"First of all, I am in charge of the money because I am the older sister and I now hold custody over you, you are not of the legal age to do anything on your own, but the minute you turn eighteen, I promise you- I won't hold anything from you." She spoke firmly.

"Second, we are not just leaving all of their shit here. You may not think it now, but one day you're going to want something to remember them by. It may not be all of this shit, but yet most of the shit in this house is shit that our mom and dad and little sister adored so I'm so sorry that it's not easy for me to just leave."

"Also, I can't afford to just drop thousands of dollars to just move us and hire a crew to move our shit. I have three or more years until I graduate college and until then, I will not be able to get a job with a high enough pay to provide housing, food and supplies for you and I, so until then, I am so sorry, but we will not be dropping drastic amounts of money to do that. If you want to move all of their stuff into one room, I'm more than willing to do that to keep you from seeing it everyday, but it isn't practical to just pack everything up and move before I even have a job." She continued and I immediately felt like a dick.

"And lastly, please stop cursing."

"I'm sorry" I told her quietly

"You don't have to apologize" she responded immediately

I hugged her from behind, feeling her squeeze my hand

"I'll take you up on the moving everything into one room, though." I told her quietly.

"We can wake up and do that first thing in the morning."

"Are you okay?" I asked her after a few minutes of her just quietly sitting on her phone.

"Yeah Jacob, I'm fine."

But yet, she wasn't

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