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Little did I know that those plans would take place much quicker than I ever assumed.

One Saturday afternoon, Ava and I had returned home from grocery shopping and were immediately greeted with almost all of my coworkers and several other people that I didn't even know, Michael standing in the doorway with a nervous smile.

"I didn't think this many people would actually come-" he nervously laughed out, making me immediately rub my face, glancing to Ava, who had the smallest smile on her face as she glanced around.

As long as she wasn't mad.

We quickly put the groceries up, myself trying to introduces Ava to as many people as possibly in the process.

"A seltzer for the beautiful lady." I heard my interns voice speak, making me immediately turn, taking the White Claw out of his hands, setting it on the counter.

"Supplying alcohol to a minor?" I quickly shot to him.

To say the least, he left quickly.

Even if she wanted to drink, there's no way in hell we were letting her when she was on as high of an antidepressant as she is.

I soon had her aware of the important people in the room, and noticed her immediately taking a spot beside Michael in the living room, joining a conversation between them.

I had a few beers with the guys, nothing that would get me drunk and I continued to just make sure Ava was comfortable and okay.


I slipped into the kitchen, looking for Ashton but failing.

I grabbed a water before running to my room, quickly taking all of my medicines before immediately noting in my head that I would be getting very tired, very quickly.

I joined Luke in the kitchen, sitting on the counter and chatting with him about my college as he held a beer in hand, seeming more than interested.

"So you want to be like a news anchor- oh hi baby" he immediately cut himself off as a girl approached, wrapping her arms around him.

"Sierra this is Ava- Ava meet my girlfriend, Sierra" he smiled, making me smile to her as well.

"It's nice to meet you." I nodded to her, getting almost the exact same response.

No longer able to find ash, I soon felt more than tired and was getting sudden waves of dizziness, telling me I needed to sleep.

And I immediately tried to go to sleep, but soon pieced together a few things

The music was too loud
The talking was too loud
People kept mistaking my room as a bathroom and continually trying to open the door- even after I locked it.

I soon found myself outside, gagging myself to try and make myself throw up the medicine that was making me feel like shit.

"Ava?" Calum's familiar voice rang from around the corner.

"Kinda busy" I whined out lightly before I felt him quickly grab my wrist, pulling it away from me quickly, panic on his face.

"What are you doing? Are you drunk?"

He was worried.

"No" I quickly spoke.

"I took my antidepressant and sleeping pill like an hour ago- and there's too much going on so I can't sleep, so it's making me feel sick- I'm trying to throw it up." I told him calmly, seeing him registering everything I said.

"Okay- yeah- no. Don't ever make yourself throw up unless you're too drunk" he spoke quickly, grabbing my side as I stumbled lightly, feeling the dizziness of the medicine again.

"Damn- They have to lower your medicines so you aren't this drugged up." I heard him mumble, more to himself as he put an arm around me, guiding me to a completely different building.

"Where are we going?" I asked him calmly, feeling him never letting me go.

"My place, you aren't going to be able to sleep there."

I didn't argue.


From the minute I saw her, I swore she was drunk until she explained everything that had happened.

She was stumbling, closing her eyes every few seconds, slurring words, trying to make herself throw up.

She needed sleep.

I brought her into my apartment, planning to bring her back to Ashton's as soon as the party was over, but knowing we didn't have any other option but this at the moment.

She held the wall firmly as she took her vans off beside the door, sending me a lazy smile once she did, immediately taking my hand and following me once she was ready.

She reminded me of my sister.

I found some random clothes, letting her change out of her jeans and crop top before telling her to take my bed, which she did happily.

Her eyes shut almost immediately as I covered her.

"Wait- Ashton is going to panic-" "I'm going back." I told her calmly, setting water beside the bed just in case she needed it.

"I'll let him know and bring you back to your room tonight, everything is okay, just sleep your medicine off so that you feel better."

She laid down, trusting my words, her eyes closing again

"Thank you, Cal"

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