Losing a Family Member

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"We will have Peter and the rest of the family with us", Steve said optimistically, "We will", Tony assured and the husband went to change into their disguises.


"Clearly, you weren't actually born here, right?", Tony asked as they walked out after changing, "The idea of me was", Steve said.

"Great idea, by the way", Tony said and Steve rolled his eyes, "Right. Well, imagine you're SHIELD, running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization. Where do you hide it?", Tony asked looking at two men walking in through a door.

"In plain sight", Steve said looking at the same place and Tony scanned through his glasses and saw that the door was actually an elevator.

They also got onto the elevator with another lady, Tony wanted to be alone with so badly, but unfortunately they couldn't.

There was another lady who looked at Steve suspiciously making Tony move in front covering his husband.

The elevator stopped at his destination and Tony stepped out, "Good luck on your mission, Captain", Tony said purposefully.

"Good luck on your project, doctor", Steve said stuttering and glaring at Tony, who quickly winked at him as the door closed.

"You're new here?", the lady asked and Steve hesitated for a second, "Not exactly", he said and she nodded.

He stepped out at his destination and went to take the pym particles, while he was returning with them, he saw the lady with few officers coming towards him and went into the nearest room.

He saw the shadows of the said people pass and turned to see the room and took a deep breath in, there was a picture of him, when he was small.

On the table where there was a name plate, Peggy Carter, he saw through the covered glass to the other side and saw Peggy, looking at a file.

He always have wanted to see her one last time and let her go, but now looking at her he realized how long it has been since he had let her go.

He smiled before rushing out and saw Tony talking with Howard in a distance and didn't disturb them.

~ Rewind a bit ~

Tony who had successfully taken the stone, met with his father accidently and said his name was Howard Parker.

He meant to say Rogers too, but he knew better and his father started a small talk with him, "So, flowers and sauerkraut. You got a big date tonight?", Tony asked getting into the elevator.

"My wife's expecting. And, uh– Too much time in the office", Howard said, "Congratulations", Tony said realizing the time they had landed.

He asked about her month and Howards wasn't sure, "I have... two boys and a girl", Tony said stopping for a second thinking about Peter.

"Wow that's a handful, how long have you been married?", Howard asked as they got out, "20 next year", Tony said spotting Steve in a distance.

"That's great, you must be really in love with your Mrs.", Howard said and Tony smiled as if he was in love for the first time.

"You'd be surprised", he said and hugged Howard after telling him about his dad, "Yeah, Howard– Everything's gonna be all right. Thank you– for everything– you've done for this country", he said surprising Howard.

Howard left and Tony turned towards Steve who gestured for the stone and Tony gestured back, as he walked towards Steve he noticed a difference in him.

Like he was free of something, he decided to ask about it after they left home and the two left and met the others, except one.

"Clint, where's Nat?", Bruce asked noticing the missing person and Clint looked up with tears in his eyes.

All understood and Tony nearly slipped and fell but Steve caught him and the two slid onto the floor, Tony sobbing into Steve's shoulder.

Steve had tears in his eyes, the others gave the six... five a moment alone and left, the five went outside to mourn.

"Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back, isn't that right? [GROWLING.] So stop this shit. We're the Avengers, get it together", Thor said in denial and all looked down, they knew there was no way to bring her back.

Hulk in anger threw the bench into a distance, "Let's call it a day, we'll continue this tomorrow, we need to mourn", Steve said wiping his tears and getting up.

All nodded silently and left, Tony was the only person there, "We need to tell Harley and Sarah", Tony said.

"Maybe we can tell Sarah later, she is small, but let's tell Harley now", Steve said and they did, only to be thrown out of his room.

The two sighed and left to their rooms, both changing into their comfortable clothes in silence, "What happened there Steve?", Tony asked out of a sudden.

"Where honey?", Steve asked and looked at Tony not getting a response and saw the look on his face and understood what the brunette meant.

"I saw Peggy", Steve said and Tony gasped, Steve sat on the bed and Tony sat next to him and kept a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to talk about it", Tony said and Steve smiled and kissed Tony's forehead, "It's ok, I didn't feel anything to be honest", Steve said surprising Tony.

"I realized how I had let her go a long time ago and I felt at ease knowing I hadn't betrayed her, even though some part of me knew it before", Steve said and pulled Tony into his arms.

The smaller man smiled softly and the two kissed and they heard a knock, Tony got up and opened the door to find Clint.

"We are going to do a little farewell prayer and give a moment of silence for Nat, would you like to join us?", Clint asked and Steve got up.

"Of course Clint, you don't have to ask us, she was our family member", he said and the three left and saw all present.

Bruce and Steve gave a quick speech in front Nat's picture while the others mourned silently, Tony couldn't talk that's why Steve was taking his place.

Today they had lost a family member and for that they will fight till their last breath tomorrow, all took a vow in their minds.

Especially the ones who used to be six...

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