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"I married him", Steve interjected and Howard looked at the blonde shocked and fainted...


"Huh? What happened?", Harley asked not at all concerned while Tony and Peggy lifted Howard to sit on the couch.

"Blood loss + shock", Bruce said coming out of the kitchen, he was also unconcerned, he threw a towel soaked in hot water toward Tony.

"Just wipe the blood, the blood running would have stopped by now", Bruce said and Tony sighed and did as told.

They let Howard be, "What happened?", Peggy asked, "What do you mean?", Tony asked as he sat back with Steve.

"In your life, in all your lives", Peggy said and all looked at each other, Steve started the story, "I woke up 23 years ago with the help from S.H.I.E.L.D....", he said and told about everything.

"And Clint demanded Strange to bring him back and he did and this is the consequence", Steve finished.

"Oh wow, I mean not wow, oh God!", Peggy said, "You should have died rather than live a disgrace", Howard said, and then only they saw he was awake.

But before anyone could react a blur passed by them and pinned Howard to the ground, it was Peter.

He started choking Howard, "Peter!", the parents cried in alarm, "Don't you dare talk like that about my father", Peter warned.

"Do you know the meaning of the death of a loved one? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HEAR THE HEARTBEAT OF YOUR LOVED ONE FADING, OF YOUR FATHER? I DID", Peter shouted and all looked shocked, no one knew this.

Not even the parents and Tony looked shaken, but Wade who knew this quickly pulled Peter away and held him close to him.

Howard coughed and breathed hard while Peter was glaring at him, red from anger, while Wade tried comforting him.

"Peter?", Tony asked softly and Peter broke away from Howard and looked at his dad and realized what he had done and said.

"Dad", he said softly, his anger vanishing, and Tony opened his arms, Wade let go of Peter immediately and Peter rushed to his dada.

He crashed into his dad, "I am sorry Bubba, I am really sorry, I never knew", Tony said holding a crying Peter, while tears ran down his face.

"No dada I am sorry, I should have told you and papa, but I couldn't, I was scared and I am sorry", Peter said.

"Don't be baby, we are sorry that we never noticed your problems", Steve said and Tony removed himself from the hug making Peter go into Steve's arms.

"Where the hell is Strange?", he asked Jarvis, "Here", they heard the said person's voice, "Wow took you long enough to travel through a portal", Tony said sarcastically.

"Send them back, I've had enough", Tony said and Strange sighed, "I can't", Strange said, "You what now?", Wade asked.

"I can't send them back", Strange said, Bruce cleared his throat, "Why exactly?", he asked, "Because it is the consequence and I can't get involved", Strange said.

Tony rubbed his face trying to control his anger and Steve massaged his shoulder softly, "Is it ok if we stay here till we leave? I mean I know it is hard", Peggy asked and all looked at Tony.

"Why are you looking at me?", he asked, "It's your decision", Steve said and Tony looked at his family and Peggy and Howard.

He sighed, "Fine, but tell Howard to keep his tongue inside", Tony said, "I am here", Howard said shocked.

"That's why I gave you that much respect, to say the least", Tony said and kissed Steve's cheek, "I'll be in the lab", he said and Steve nodded.

"Come on Brucie bear, Peter do you want to join us?", Tony asked, "No dad I am going out with Wade", Peter said.

"Ok be careful", Tony said and left with Bruce, "Ok get on with your work, Harley show our guests the guest rooms and thank you Doctor", Steve said and all went to their work leaving the past people shocked.

They acted as if nothing happened the past few hours, "Come on, both of your rooms are downstairs", Harley said and took them to the elevator.

"If anything, ask Jarvis, you can just call him and he will answer the Avengers-", Harley explained as he got out and the two looked confused.

"That's them, all of them upstairs, will mostly be busy, so that's why you can ask Jarvis anything", Harley said leading them to their rooms.

"Who made Jarvis?", Howard asked, "Dad, I mean Tony, he made Jarvis, Friday, Edith, and some other A.Is but Jarvis is his first and he is close to dad", Harley said.

"These will be your rooms, you can choose one for yourself and freshen up and meet us upstairs", Harley said and the other nodded.

Harley went to leave but stopped, "And try to minimize trash-talking about any of us, especially dad unless you have a death wish of a sort, your welcome by the way", Harley said with a smile and left.

The two looked at each other shocked and went to their rooms to freshen up...

~ Upstairs ~

Steve entered Tony's lab wanting to talk with his husband, he entered and Tony looked up and brightened at the sight of the blonde.

"Hey", Tony said, "Hey", Steve said with a smile on his face and Bruce greeted Steve and left knowing that Tony needed to talk, had to talk, to someone.

"How are you feeling?", Steve asked hugging Tony from behind and Tony melted into his husband's arms.

"Shocked, but otherwise fine", Tony said honestly and Steve smiled and kissed Tony's neck, "Hmm", Tony muttered making Steve smile.

"I guess we won't do these for a few days", Steve said in between kisses, "Why?", Tony asked controlling his moan.

"Well until Howard leaves, I don't think I can even touch you without getting a comment or a look from him", Steve said nibbling Tony's ears.

"Well he can go and fuck himself", Tony groaned and Steve pulled and turned Tony to face him, "First of all", he started.

"Language, I know", Tony said and Steve smiled and kissed Tony's forehead, "The second thing, I know you have an old wound in there holding itself together, but on the verge of bleeding", Steve said and Tony sighed.

Here he thought he could escape his husband, "You are right", he finally said and looked into his favorite blue eyes.

"But I don't care about those old wounds anymore", Tony started and Steve went to interrupt, "Do you know why?", Tony asked and Steve shook his head.

"Because they are all healed up because of you, you healed me Steve and you are more important to me than anyone in this whole Universe baby", Tony said and Steve looked surprised.

Not at the importance statement but the healing one, "You are more important to me than anyone in this whole Universe too honey", Steve said and Tony smiled as their foreheads touched.

"Besides your touch is my oxygen, I want your touches, hugs, and kisses every second I breathe", Tony said and Steve smiled.

"And we have few hours before dinner, Sarah is sleeping and others are busy...", Tony trailed and Steve chuckled, "You will never change, even if we are old", Steve said while lifting Tony in his arms.

"I will never be old, old man", Tony said and Steve chuckled and led them to their bedroom to have their fun.

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