9.A Puffy Eyed Alex

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*Mitch's POV*

"I'll text Alex to see if he's okay to talk to us," Scott said getting up.

"Okay, I'm going to get dressed," After picking an outfit and getting dressed, I came back, "He said we can meet up and talk."

I sighed. I actually liked. Alex and now I'm ruining his life, "Scotty, what are we going to say to him?"

We will just explain everything to him, it will be okay," Scott reassured as he kissed my forehead.

"We need to leave now" I got ready to walk out of the door and remembered, "We have to apologize to Kirstie too."

Scott turned around , "Why?" he asked confused, "we did nothing to her."

"We dragged her into this and it's obviously putting a strain on her, besides it's the right thing to do."

"Ok fine, and then maybe we could tell the rest of the group, maybe even the fans,"He said.

"Definitely tell the band," I hesitated, "but wait to tell the fans."

"Okay," He agreed, "well let's leave now we can think about how to tell the fans later."

We walked out of the room holding hands. We took a cab to Alex's hotel, he got a room after his fight with Scott. We got out of the cab and went to the elevator. Scott pushed the number 3 then I followed him to room 315. Once we were standing in front of the door, Scott's grip on my hand got tighter.

"You ready?" he whispered nervously.

"Yeah," I whispered back, then the door opened and standing there was a puffy eyed Alex, it looked like he was up all night crying.

"Hey" he said quietly. He looked down at me and Scott's entwined fingers. He cleared his throat, "Come in."

Scott walked in first then I followed. The room was very small. Scott sat on the couch and I sat next to him.

"You two are very quiet today," Alex said.

I nudged Scott as a signal for him to talk first.

"Well I guess you expect an explanation," Scott stated.

"No need to explain, I already know," Alex said.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"I'm not stupid, I figured everything out last night while I was... thinking"

"And you're okay with it?" I asked.

He replied, "I'm okay with whatever makes my Scotty happy."

Scott looked at me puzzled. This was easier than we had thought.

"Well I have things to do so can you guys leave... now"

"Um sure?" Scott stated getting up.

When Scott stood up Alex grabbed his arm, "One last thing" Alex then kissed my Scott.

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