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*Mitch's POV*

The ride back to our hotel was quiet and awkward. Once we were back in the hotel, I decided to break the silence, "We should take Kirstie out, to apologize."

"Yeah," Scott began, "She would love that."

We walked up to her room and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" she yelled.

We walked in the room together, "C'mon queen we're going shopping." I said.

She smiled, "A nice little girls day out, I'm up for it," she said getting off of her bed.

"Great let's go." I said while walking out into the hall. When we got to the mall we went straight to American Apparel.

"Kirstie we have something to tell you," I began.

She smiled, "what is it?"

I took a deep breath and continued," Alex and Scott broke up, and now we're official... we're going to tell the band today."

She smiled and hugged us, "I'm so glad you guys made this decision!"

"Thanks for being so supportive" I smiled.

Scott jumped in, " We also wanna say sorry for dragging you into this mess."

"It's okay" She replied, "I'm so glad you guys made this choice."

It was nice that Kirstie forgave us, she has always been a great friend and I couldn't imagine losing her.

 We finished shopping and headed back to the hotel for group practice. We stopped at our rooms first to drop off our bags.

"Mitch are we going to act like Alex never kissed me a few hours ago?"

"No, it did bother me but it was just a goodbye kiss and it didn't mean anything to you so it doesn't matter."

"Okay, I want to start out our relationship without any tension."

 I smiled, he was so sweet, "It's okay Scotty no tension, but we have to leave now we can't be late to practice again."

"Yeah let's go."

We walked to practice and the group looked at us, "Guys we need tot ell you something" Scott said.

They all gave us their full attention.

Scott and I looked at each other and took a deep breath.

"Me and Alex broke up," Scott stated.

Avi and Kevin looked at him confused.

Scott sighed," Me and Alex broke up because," he trailed off and started again, "Me and Mitch were messing around, now we decided to make it official, we're dating!"

"Kev you owe me $10!"Avi called.

The group laughed.

"When are you going to tell the fans?" Kirstie asked.

"Probably... next Tuesday in a superfruit episode?" Scott suggested.

We discussed  our relationship for a while until Scott's phone buzzed, "I don't think we need to tell the fans"

My phone buzzed right after his. Alex had tweeted that we were dating.

"Why would he do this?"

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