Welcome to Inecraft

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Steve got himself a sad donut for breakfast. A single, sad, glazed donut. He ate it as he searched for apartments on his phone, sitting alone on a bench near a playground with all of his belongings next to him. This time he'll make sure nothing gets nothing but all there was is an old man across from him on another bench.

"Geez, who knew apartments could be this expensive," Steve remarked. "These apartments must be luxurious..." He had gone through several apartments nearby and they were all out of his budget. He only had so much money saved up in his piggy bank.

"Young man... are you looking for a place to stay?"

Steve glanced up to see the old man looking at him, smiling warmly.

"I understand... my parents gave me the boot when I was younger too," the old man continued with a chuckle. "Oh, it felt like it only happened yesterday!"

But it wasn't my parents... not this time... Steve wanted to correct him but he just let out a soft sigh. He has more important matters than listening to some old man ramble.

"Hm, there's a place just a few hours from here, the boss lady is nice. The rent is cheap but the place is good."

Steve immediately perked up. "Cheap rent?" he repeated.

The old man was right. It is cheap. So cheap that it's suspicious. Steve glanced at the old man who talked about his experience living in that apartment complex. Surely the old man isn't some serial killer who targets poor and alone people like him. His luck can't be that horrible... Steve decided to look at the photos, surprised that the apartments looked alright. Well, at least from the pictures.

Well... what else can I do? Steve thought. Even though it's quite some distance away from the city, it's the cheapest one he would ever find. He decided to just do it, reserving the last room online for himself.

The old man generously gave Steve some travel money, insisting that he take it. After some heartfelt goodbyes, Steve got into a taxi to take him to the apartment. The ride was long and he dozed off in the middle of it.

Steve woke up groggily to see they made it out of the city. They're finally in Inecraft, a decently sized town from the looks of it. It's in the suburban area outside of the city. They passed by the main part of the town, complete with a large park, grocery stores, bars, and so on.

"We're here." The driver stopped the car in front of the apartment building. Steve thanked him, passing him the money the old man gave him before stepping out with his belongings.

Steve looked up at the apartment building, seeing that it looked kind of worn down with peeling white paint. There were three floors in total, with the second and third floors jutting out due to the open-air corridors.

It was small. The smallest apartment he has seen so far. Steve doesn't even know if it qualifies as an apartment since all he can see is six separate doors for presumed tenants.

He entered through the front door, finding himself to be in a small lobby. There was an empty desk in the lobby and a large wooden table in the middle. There were chairs around the table and then there was a couch on one side of the room. On it laid a ragged man. The man looked up, staring directly at Steve.

From the looks of it, he looks like some homeless person who just took shelter in this building. But Steve doesn't want to assume. Some people just have weird fashion cases. The man could be on his break time for all he knows.

"Um.... I want to rent a place to stay," Steve said, nervously. "I reserved it online."

The man continued to stare at Steve. After a few moments, it was making him uncomfortable. Finally, the man nodded and then pointed to the other side of the room.

Not Human! (HeroSteve)Where stories live. Discover now