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"Sofie", or her real name Ali, turned her car onto an unmarked road. The road was more like a dirt path which one could mistake for a hiking trail. From there it was only a few minutes until they reached their destination. She parks the car next to a large warehouse. No vehicles were in sight and the warehouse itself seemed old and abandoned.

"Barry", otherwise known as Zac, pulled out a burner phone and dialed in a number. After three rings, it was picked up and he was met with silence.

"This is Barry," Zac spoke without hesitation.

After a few seconds of silence, the person on the other end answered. "Sorry, you have the wrong number."

"No, I have the right number. This is Barry, I'm in front of your house."

There was another long pause. "Alright," the person on the other end finally said. "Be there in a minute." With that, the phone call ended.

Ali and Zac got out of the car, opening the door to the backseat. Steve sprawled out there, still completely out cold.

Zac grabbed Steve by the arms, lifting him up over his shoulders, and made his way to the warehouse. Ali stayed behind, watching the surroundings carefully.

He walks straight up to the door of the warehouse, knocking on it once. The door slowly opens, revealing a man in a gray hoodie.

"You got the goods?" the man asked.

Zac nodded, setting Steve down on his shoulders. The hoodie man grabs Steve and drags him inside. After a few moments, he was back at the door with a briefcase.

"Here's your pay," he told him as he handed the briefcase over. "Boss said to keep up the good work."

Zac nodded and headed back to the car with growing excitement. The briefcase was heavy, most likely the heaviest one they were given. Ali was already in the car, waiting for him.

The man gets into the passenger seat with a wide smile. He opens the briefcase up and as expected, it was filled with cash and drugs.

Ali's face brightened as soon as she saw what was inside. "We got a huge payout this time!" she exclaimed, thrilled. "I'll be able to buy that new dress I've been wanting."

Zac shuts the briefcase and shoots a dirty look at her. "You're going to waste money on a piece of clothing?!"

Ali rolled her eyes as she started up the car. "At least I don't blow it on alcohol and prostitutes."

The two glared at each other as the car went back on the main road, heading back to where they came from.

"Let's just do our groceries first and the rest we split like usual," Ali said. "Remember we have to go through that kid's apartment tonight."

They both grinned, thinking about their bonus pay tonight.


The gray hoodie man looks down at Steve who was sprawled out on the ground. "He seems pretty young," he commented. "I almost feel bad for him."

Another man came out of a separate room, wearing a black cap. "He just got unlucky," the cap man said. "Hurry and put him on the operating table."

"Alright, don't rush me!" The hoodie man grabs Steve, pulling him up to the operation table. The operating table in question is a long, metal table that has bloodstain all over it. Next to it was a smaller desk with various sharp tools.

The cap man tosses an old and bloody scrub to his partner and a pair of gloves. "Let's hurry before he wakes up. Where's the anesthesia?"

Before the hoodie man could answer, there was a loud knock on the door. Both of their heads turned toward the direction of the door and froze in place. They exchange alarmed expressions.

Not Human! (HeroSteve)Where stories live. Discover now