Not Human

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It's not normal. It's one hundred percent not normal to have glowing eyes like that! And Herobrine is not a common name.

People just don't have glowing eyes. That's just not possible.

Could he not be human? Steve watched Herobrine eating a container of pasta on the counter. Herobrine looked up and Steve quickly glanced down at his phone, trying to appear occupied.

He can feel Herobrine staring at him with those glowing eyes and he fights the urge to shudder.

My god... he's definitely not human. Steve couldn't help but feel like this was the start of a horror movie. He'll get curious and try to investigate what's going on only to discover a shape-shifting monster that will try to kill him.

Perhaps Herobrine really was a shapeshifting monster—one that had mind control. Steve doesn't like how it would perfectly explain why Chase and the boss lady see Herobrine as normal.

I don't understand...

Steve decided to look up the name Herobrine. As expected, the search results bring nothing. There were no results whatsoever. It was as if the name never existed.

"What are you looking at?"

Steve nearly dropped his phone. "Wh-wha!! Nothing!" He glanced back at the kitchen counter but it was only the container there.

"You're searching for my name?"

Steve jolted, whipping his head around to see Herobrine right behind him, looking at his phone. He quickly switched to another tab in a panic. "N-no I'm not!"

Herobrine raises an eyebrow at the new tab. "So you're looking at porn?"

"Wh-what are you..." Steve looks back at his phone, seeing it displaying explicit pictures. His eyes widened as he felt his face turning red. He slammed the phone down on the couch. "Ah! Wh-what is that?!"

"I—I didn't do that! I was... I was..." Steve stammered while Herobrine stared at him. He clearly didn't believe his words.

Steve can't believe a stranger just saw that. No, they were roommates which makes it thousands of times worse. No, he shouldn't be ashamed of his guilty pleasures! Not when someone with glowing eyes is talking to him.

"Fine! I was looking at your name!" Steve exclaimed. "What kind of weird name is Herobrine?!"

Herobrine seemed taken aback and it was then that Steve realized how rude he sounded.

"Well... it's not that weird... just..." Steve tried to think of a word that would fix this situation. "Unique...? Yeah, unique!"

Herobrine didn't say anything and he didn't smile either.

Now Steve was starting to feel bad. Was he that sensitive about his name?

"Stand up."

"Y-yes, sir!" Steve immediately stood up from the couch at the authoritative tone in Herobrine's voice.

"Come over here."

Steve quickly went around to the couch to stand in front of Herobrine with arms pressed against his sides. The man was frowning with his arms crossed against his chest.

Oh god... he's mad, isn't he?! Steve thought. I shouldn't have said that...

"What color are my eyes?"

Huh? Steve wasn't sure if he had heard him right. "Wh-what did you say?"

"My eyes. What color are they?" Herobrine repeated, growing impatient.

Not Human! (HeroSteve)Where stories live. Discover now