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Steve pulled up the blanket higher. Not only did he come down with a cold, but he also have a fever as well!

The second he woke up in the morning, he felt like he was in a bathtub filled with ice-cold water. While the rest of his body is freezing, his face is burning hot. He barely made it into the bedroom and climbed onto the bed.

Herobrine, who was still in bed at that time, was visibly confused when Steve got under the blanket next to him. In the end, Herobrine got kicked out.

He stood by the bed with folded arms as he studied Steve's red face. "We weren't in the rain for a long time..."

"Well, it was long enough to get me sick..." Steve mumbled.

Herobrine sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "Are humans that weak? I can't remember the last time I was sick."

Steve shot a weak glare in Herobrine's direction. "Don't forget who got lost while shopping."

"Look... this area is too complicated," he answered with a pout. "It wasn't my fault."

Steve tries to remember if there was any medicine that could help in the cabinets. No... all there was is cough syrup. If he was smart, he would have some kind of painkillers. Unfortunately, he wasn't smart enough nor was he sick often enough to keep medicine around.

He's in no shape to buy some medicine from the pharmacy either. And that means... Steve looks at Herobrine, feeling the fever intensifying.

Nevermind me... Will Herobrine be alright?!

Last night Steve had written out the directions to the main part of the town and he was so glad that he did. Surely Herobrine can follow directions on a piece of paper.

"Herobrine... there's going to be a piece of paper on the table," Steve muttered. "Follow it and get me fever medicine... take some money from the piggy bank too..."

"You want me to go buy you medicine?"

Steve nodded. "If... if you do get lost... just ask someone..."

"I'm not going to get lost!" Herobrine exclaimed. He went over to where the piggy bank is hidden in the drawer. Before he went out of the bedroom door, he turned to Steve. "I'll be back in a few minutes, don't go anywhere."

"Where can I even go like this... and it takes twenty minutes to get there..." Steve grumbled but Herobrine was already out of the door.

Steve glances at the alarm on the dresser next to the bed. It reads 10:00 AM. He blew an exasperated sigh. "What a crappy week..."

He got robbed, fired from his job, kicked out of his apartment, nearly killed, and got sick all in a short amount of time. He had to set a record for having this much bad luck. Steve wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in the hospital for whatever reason next.

Steve stared up at the ceiling as the fever started to really take a toll on him. Ugh...

He fumbled around for the bottled water that was on the bed. His hand touched the cold bottle and he opened it up. Not bothered to sit up, he drank it while laying down. Water spilled onto the pillow and bed but Steve couldn't even be bothered.

When he closes the bottle, he places it on his forehead in an attempt to soothe his fever.

Steve shut his eyes, praying that he can take a nap.


There was someone yelling. However, it was muffled and Steve couldn't make out any words.

His eyes opened but everything was blurry.

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