Lost and Drenched

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Steve was awake by nine in the morning, just as he had promised. Herobrine must have gone back to sleep as well since he wasn't around.

He got ready for the morning and stepped out of the bathroom. Herobrine still isn't out here yet.

Is he still sleeping? Steve chuckled at the thought of Herobrine taking his words to heart. He headed over to the door that goes to the small bedroom.

"Hey, I'm awake now," Steve called out. He waited a few moments but there was no answer. "Hello?"

Still nothing.

Steve took the knob, finding it unlocked. He opens a crack to see no Herobrine. Then he opens the door entirely with a confused expression.

It was an empty bedroom.

"Strange... He really wanted me to help him be more normal," Steve muttered. "Where did he go?"

No, Steve should enjoy this peace while it lasts. Who knows when's the next time he'll be alone in his apartment room? Besides, he should have been living here by himself, not sharing it with another person!

Steve opened the fridge and saw the depressed state of how empty it was. He had bought some groceries with him, most being from his old apartment. It wasn't enough to make a full meal which was why he took out the cup noodles. Now that he has settled in, he should get more groceries so he'll be able to make himself food. He also has to factor in Herobrine... Steve had a feeling that Herobrine would eat them.

Yeah, he'll definitely eat them...

Steve made himself cereal, sighing as he remembers getting kicked out of his old apartment. He couldn't blame his landlord for kicking him out. He did ask for favors before... A whole lot of it too. Steve took a spoonful of cereal, recalling all the times he had to beg for another extension.

It wasn't like he was slacking off. He was working his butt off every day! He had no one to lean on for assistance. Thinking about it now, it was a miracle that he didn't get kicked out earlier.

By the time he washed the bowl and spoon, Herobrine still hadn't turned up. Steve checked the window, seeing the gray clouds slowly rolling in.

It was strange. Steve's both surprised and amazed at how well he's handling things. He would think anyone else would freak out or maybe even run from Herobrine... Well, if he was honest, he was a bit afraid of him since his eyes were glowing.

He wonders if all immortals have glowing irises like that. Are there any other people like Herobrine out there?

Steve wondered if there was a way for him to be immortal too. Surely he'd achieve everything he wanted if he was one. He'll get to do anything he wants without a care in the world. He won't age either judging from how Herobrine looked.

And the most important thing—he'll be able to use illusions as well. No... The only thing that changed for Herobrine was that he had normal eyes. Could Herobrine change his appearance...?

No... he must have been naturally that attractive.

Lucky bastard. Steve thought in envy.

Steve decided to look at the local news to pass some time.

A new bar is opening up...

Additional roads are being built...

A recent missing report on a woman...

Steve stops scrolling at the recent missing report. He frowned, seeing that the woman was last seen nearby. If he remembers correctly, it's just a few streets away. He can even walk there in ten minutes.

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