Heart-Shaped Gifts

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Herobrine had taken Steve's words to heart. He had taken so many bathroom breaks that the workers at the studio got worried at one point. Of course, Herobrine had to share Steve's wisdom with them as well.

There was initial confusion and shock but a little more talking was enough to make them realize how insightful Steve was.

In the end, everyone there had taken many breaks with Herobrine. It wasn't until late at night that they finally took enough photos to shoot.

"Hey, Steve!" Herobrine hurried into the apartment with a wide smile across his face. He held up a considerably thick envelope. "My pay at the end was huge, just like you said!"

Herobrine pauses, seeing Steve counter with his head down. "Sleeping... I did come back late." There was a plate of pasta on the counter as well.

Steve must have made it for him and then fell asleep waiting for him.

He chuckled, placing the envelope on the counter and a bag of take-out that the studio workers generously gave him. Carefully, Herobrine hoists Steve up and carries him to the couch.

He pauses, frowning. Steve had gone out of his way to help him and even waited all night for him. It'll only be fair if he gets the bed.

Herobrine carried Steve into the bedroom and gently placed him on the bed. After that, he returned to the kitchen to place the take-out in the fridge for tomorrow.

He sat down and ate what Steve made for him. As he thought, it was cold. Very cold. Herobrine didn't mind though. Once he finished, he washed the dish and put it away. He was about to leave the kitchen when he saw a small bag that he hadn't noticed before.

He scowled, picking it up before untying the ribbon to get it open.

It was three small pastries in the shape of a heart. Herobrine stared at it for a couple of moments narrowing his eyes. Steve must have got these for him too.

"Hearts..." Herobrine muttered. Those are only given to those that are close, he had seen people exchanging similar things. He hadn't realized that the two of them were that close. Since Steve had gotten him these pastries, Herobrine needed to reciprocate. "I'll have to get him something soon as well..."

He took the three pastries and threw them in his mouth. They had sweet jam inside of them.

He took a quick shower and went to brush his teeth. As he finishes, he looks up at his reflection in the mirror. The practically white irises stared back, glowing.

"It's been so long since someone saw me like this..." he mused. The first person whom his illusion didn't work for was a lady a very long time ago. Herobrine scowled, trying to remember how she looked.

"Her hair was brown... and her eyes were blue..."

Herobrine remembers how shocked he was when she asked about his eyes. She had seen his eyes for a while—they had met on multiple occasions. Thinking back now, she most likely went along with what Herobrine said because she was being nice.

Herobrine smiled at the fond memories.

Steve was the second human that saw him like that. When they first met, Herobrine had thought Steve was someone like him. Except for Steve and that lady, mortals cannot see immortals' real selves. But other immortals can see past those and they can tell if one's like them or not.

Herobrine had met one that nearly killed him and that had put him on guard with others like him. There is also this particular person—the image of him appeared in his head. Herobrine shook his head. Herobrine hopes he'll never have to see him again.

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