The Roommate

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Steve did not sleep well last night. He doesn't think anyone could while all that ruckus was going on next door.

There was a hard knock on the door in the morning. He was so tired that he didn't care if his hair was a mess and still in his pajamas. He barely made it to the door, opening it to see that it was the boss lady, staring up at him through her shades.

"Good morning..." Steve mumbled, rubbing one of his eyes.

"I just want to let you know you're going to have a roommate coming in soon."

Steve just nodded groggily.

The boss lady gave a nod before walking off. Steve closes the door, yawning loudly.

"I'm going to get a roommate soon..." Steve pauses. "A roommate... A roommate?!" His eyes widened as he opened the door with a slam.

"Wh-what did you say again?!" Steve exclaimed loudly, wide awake now.

The boss lady turned around, chuckling. "Looks like somebody's awake now. I said you're going to have a roommate. He's coming right now."

"Roommate?! Right now?!!" Steve looked at the boss lady in shock. "B-but on the website, it said there was only one room available!"

"Tsk, tsk. One room doesn't mean one person, y'know."

"B-but there's only one bed!"

"You and your roommate will just have to work it out," the boss lady answered. "but you only have to pay half of the rent now."

Steve heaved a long and deep sigh, before heading back into his room. He closes the door, feeling defeated.

"It can't be that bad..." Steve told himself. "I'll be able to save more money too." He nodded to himself, trying to buy into the idea that a roommate is a good idea. He looks around the room, trying to figure out how to solve the one-bed issue.

His eyes gravitate toward the couch. Steve heads towards his bedroom, looking in the closet. He pushed aside his suitcase on the ground and then his clothes on hangers. There has to be a spare blanket somewhere.

There was not. He'll use a spare bath towel he bought with him.

"Well... this will do for now." Steve tossed it over on the couch. "I'm sure they won't mind."

He pauses, a thought coming to his mind. He was thinking about it wrong. No, he assumed wrong. Steve looks back at the towel on the couch.

It would be fine if the roommate was a man, but when it comes to the other gender...

It's rude to tell her to sleep on the couch. Steve could see the whole scenario now...

It'll start with a series of knocks on the door. Steve will open it to come face-to-face with the most beautiful person he has ever met. Maybe he should hope for someone cute—either way their eyes would lock for the first time.

Steve would accidentally blurt out his thoughts. 'What is an angel doing in this run-down apartment?' And she would blush and shyly accept the compliment.

After laughing for a bit, Steve would offer her the bed and he'd be the one to take the couch. She would fall in love with Steve–how could she not? They'll start dating, going out to restaurants and Steve would feed her a sample of his plate.

What follows would be a series of romantic walks, talks, and dates.

One night, she'll ask if Steve wants to sleep on the same bed with her.

And he'd say 'Of course!'. That would be the day that he'll lose his–

His train of thought was interrupted by knocking.

His first girlfriend! His very first relationship! He won't have to die alone, not anymore. He can leave behind that sad reality—since that reality won't be true anymore.

"Give me a minute!" Steve shouted as he hurried into the bathroom with a change of clothes. In record time, he tidied his hair and slipped into casual clothes—a random blue shirt and a pair of brown pants. He then hurried to the door, practically shaking with excitement.

Steve opens the door wide with his best smile.

"How are—" He paused, staring at what was not a beautiful nor cute girl's face but rather a very non-girl upper chest. His hopes and dreams get crushed instantly as his smile fades.

"You..." Steve's eyes trailed upwards and then did a double take. The man had dark brown ruffled hair and... Steve had to blink a couple of times to make sure he was not seeing things. His eyes... His iris was silver, practically white. And most importantly, they look as if they were glowing.

Something's... not right here...

The man scowled deeply. "What is it?"

Steve jolted, averting his gaze. "U-um... N-nothing..."

The man was silent for a moment before holding out his hand. "My name's Herobrine, I'll be your roommate starting today."

Steve isn't one for judging but he had never heard of someone named 'Herobrine' before. "Nice to meet you... Herobrine... my name is Steve..." He held out his hand as well and the two shook once awkwardly.

"I'll let you settle in... I'll... go for a walk..." Steve said before quickly sliding past him at the doorway. He slowly walked at first, glancing back to see if the door was closed. Then he broke into a sprint, nearly tumbling down the stairs once he reached the end of the hall. He stopped in front of the boss lady's door and knocked quickly.

It took a couple of moments before the boss lady opened up the door, scowling to see Steve there.

"Um... Is there anything I should know about Herobrine...?" Steve practically whispered it, afraid his new roommate would hear it from the third floor. "Like something regarding his eyes?"

The boss lady just looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"H-his eyes... Like if he has any... medical problems...?"

The boss lady looked Steve up and down. "Are you on something, boy?" she asked. Steve wished he was if that would explain what he saw. "His eyes are normal, but I have to say, his eyes are the most fascinating blue eyes I have seen in my entire life."

"Blue?!" Steve cried out. "Blue eyes?!"

The boss lady nodded. "Yep. I bet you he has lots of girlfriends too, don't know why he's here though."

Steve already ran back upstairs to his floor. He spots Chase leaning against the railings. "Chase...! D-did you see my roommate?!" he asked, growing more agitated by the second.

"Herobrine...?" Chase pulled out his cigarette and nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

"His eyes, what did they look like?!"

"Oh... You saw it too?"

Steve's eyes widened. He knew he wasn't seeing things.

"That man is a real lady killer, I'll admit I'm kind of jealous..." Chase lit the cigarette before taking a long drag. "He's already attractive but his blue eyes would instantly make anyone stop and stare."


"Wh-what about the name Herobrine...? Isn't it a weird name?"

Chase looked at him like he was crazy. "A weird name...? How could you say that? Herobrine is a common name. I knew at least thirty Herobrines before him."

Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. Something definitely is wrong. He ran back to his room, seeing Herobrine there sitting on the couch.

Herobrine turned to face him and Steve made sure to blink hard. His eyes were still the same and they were glowing. He is sure of it.

As for the Herorbine name, Chase must be telling a blatant lie or he was just messing with him.

What the hell is going on?!

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