Day Drinking

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Even when Herobrine had to leave for work, Steve didn't come out of the bedroom.

"Not even a goodbye?" Herobrine stood by the front door with a scowl. "Maybe he needs more time..." He sighed before heading out. The front door closes and shortly after, the bedroom room opened.

Steve peeked out, his eyes darting around the room. He let out a huge breath of relief when he confirmed Herobrine left.

"He's finally gone..." Steve muttered as he stepped out of the bedroom. "I can't believe this..."

He couldn't look at him. He couldn't look at Herobrine! Not a glance or a peek! He couldn't even handle being around him!

The entire time he felt like he was going to blow up!

It was a confession... it had to be! What else is that supposed to be?!

Steve recalled Herobrine giving him the gifts. Nonchalantly as well! How can someone confess with a straight face?! His face immediately grew red.

"Ahhh!! I can't even think about him!" he jumps onto the couch, turning over to one side repeatedly. "Why am I like this?!!"

He grabs the pillow on the couch, pressing it tightly against his face.

His eyes widened as he took in the same minty woody smell. It was Herobrine's smell due to him using Steve's products. In a quick motion, he flung the pillow across the room where it hit the wall.

"W-w-wait he must have slept on the couch too!" Steve jumped off the couch. He steps back, eyes widening as he remembers that Herobrine lives here.

Now it feels like he can't even stay in the apartment.

Steve sucked in a huge breath before blowing it out. He really needs to calm down. He cautiously sat down on the couch, closing his eyes.

"Don't think about him... don't think about him," he muttered to himself.

All Steve needed to do is to not think about him.

But at the same time, he needs to talk to Herobrine!

No, it's best to just let everything blow over.

However, the very least he could do was to give Herobrine an answer.

But what should Steve say?! He really doesn't know how to respond.

The sooner the better.

But what should he say!?!

This back-and-forth continues for a very long time. Steve doesn't even want to know how long he spent in different positions on the couch and throughout his apartments in order to find one position where he can figure things out.

The position which helped him reach a conclusion was laying on the ground with his legs lined across the wall and staring at the ceiling.

And the conclusion that Steve proudly came to was to drink and not worry about anything. To be fair, he really does need a drink or two. It's a perfect excuse to check out that bar Sofie was talking about as well.

At the same time, drinking may even help him gather his thoughts.


When Sofie told him that the bar was popular, she wasn't joking. Steve had to wait in line for nearly an hour to even get in.

The bar was bigger on the inside, with stools lining around the counter where multiple bartenders are behind. Steve never saw this many alcoholic bottles on the shelves in bars before.

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