The Day at the Mall

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The mall was unsurprisingly located in the central part of the town. It was decently sized. It was definitely big enough for Herobrine to get lost in.

"Herobrine, if you happen to get lost," Steve pointed to one part of the directory. "Go here, alright?" He tapped his finger on the label that reads 'Food Court'. "Right. Here."

Herobrine clearly didn't hear anything of what Steve said. He grabbed Steve's arm, tugging at it, and pointed excitedly at the stores. "Steve, look how many stores there are!"

Steve sighed. He'll just have to keep his eyes on Herobrine. When worse comes to worst, he'll just have to call him over at the loudspeaker.

"Have you never been in a mall before?"

Herobrine shook his head. "Nope, this is my first time in one."

He must have lived a long time yet have never stepped inside a mall before. What was he even doing all those years? Living under a rock?! Steve pauses. No... that might be true. Herobrine was going around asking for free money, food, and clothes... And he was actually getting them!

"Alright, let's go to–" Steve blinked, realizing that Herobrine had disappeared. He looks around, frantically. Herobrine was right in front of him just seconds ago.

He knew that this would happen but not the moment they stepped inside the mall. Steve had only taken his eyes off of Herobrine for one second and he disappeared.

"Do I need those toddler harnesses?!" Steve speed-walked through the mall, scanning for Herobrine.

After a few minutes, Steve can see there was a small crowd in front of a store. Of course, it's normal for a lot of people at the mall but this small crowd was seemingly gathering around something. Or someone.

It was very easy to spot Herobrine in the crowd since he was the only one with glowing white eyes...

"Is this the shop you're talking about?" Herobrine stared at the store's display with the mannequins wearing casual-looking clothes.

The woman next to him nodded enthusiastically. "Lauren Ralph will definitely be the best clothes for you!"

"No, he should be wearing Blurberry clothes!" another woman exclaimed loudly. "The clothing will be much better for him."

Everyone started talking at once about what brand would be the best and it quickly evolved into a huge argument.

"Excuse me." Steve slipped through the crowd, trying to reach Herobrine who isn't there anymore. He looks into the store and sees Herobrine talking to what Steve assumed to be the store salesperson.

The salesperson was looking at Herobrine with starstruck eyes. Steve wasn't even sure if he was hearing anything of what Herobrine was saying.

"Herobrine!" Steve called out as he headed towards him.

Herobrine turned around, seeing him there. "Oh, there you are," he said dismissively before turning his attention back to the salesperson.

"What do you mean 'there you are'?! You're the one that ran off!" Steve grabbed Herobrine by his arm. "Besides, this place..." he lowers his voice to a whisper. "It's good but, it's... too pricey!"

"It is...?" Herobrine scowled. "But the ladies said this store would be good..."

"A couple of shirts here will take out my poor piggy bank!"

Herobrine seems to understand so Steve lets go of his arm with a soft sigh. Of course, he wished that he could afford to buy these brands of clothing. Maybe he can get a shirt or something after a year or two of saving.

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