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It was horrible.

Steve felt just awful. Sure he had hangovers before but this one was the worst.

"Ugh... I must have drank too much..." Steve groaned. He tries to recall how many drinks he had but couldn't. The raging headache he has is making recalling even more difficult.

Anything after getting helped out of the bar by Sofie was gone. He rubs his temples, trying to soothe his headache. "Damn it... she must have met Herobrine..." he sighed. "Now she knows I was lying to her that day."

Wait... Herobrine. He needed to talk to him.

Steve abruptly sat up in bed. He regretted the second he did as the headache increased, throbbing now and a wave of nausea washed over him.

It must be the alcohol from yesterday, now violently rising up in his throat.

No way he was going to puke all over the bed.

He jumped out of the bed and bolted it for the bathroom. As soon as his head was over the toilet, it all came up.

His shoulder heaved as the alcohol projectile out of his mouth and into the toilet. After a few minutes of dry retching, Steve flushed it all down and hurried to the sink to wash his face and hands.

He saw a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked even more horrible than he feels.

"I'm never going to drink that much again..." Steve vowed. "Never again."

Steve took a few minutes to fix himself up to the best of his ability. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw that Herobrine wasn't present. It was a good thing that Herobrine didn't see him in this state. At the same time, he felt disappointed.

"Where did he go off this time?!" he muttered under his breath. He took a bottle of water and headed out of his apartment for much-needed fresh air.

Well, it could have been fresh air if Chase wasn't there, leaning over the railings to smoke a cigarette.

Chase took one look at Steve before stifling through his pockets. "You look like you need one," he told him as he pulled out a cigarette.

"No thanks..." Steve answered him with a heavy sigh. "I had a rough day..."

"... You didn't have to lie about Herobrine having a partner."

He looks at Chase with wide eyes. "H-how did you know?!"

Was he that bad at lying? If so then perhaps Sofie already knows that he wasn't living alone...

Chase scratches his head. "Well... it was obvious last night, when, ahem–" He cleared his throat. "–you two were having an intimate time."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I... I was just..." Steve trailed off as he processed what Chase had said. "W-wait... intimate time...!?" he repeated with a confused look.

"Well, you were a bit loud about it–calling out Herobrine's name and all. There's no use hiding it now, I think everyone heard you last night."

Steve was at a loss for words, trying to comprehend what Chase was saying.

Intimate time.


Herobrine's name.

Last night.

As those words go through his head, he felt his face burning up.

Chase gives a thumbs up. "Don't worry, you have my full support."

Everyone heard me.

Intimate time.

Herobrine's name.

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