EXTRA: reading mind

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“Hey Jiminie?”, Kim Haneul, who was currently typing on her laptop, voiced out.

“Yeah? ”, Park Jimin, a full-fledged human, replied to his lover’s call.

“You know how you used to be able to read minds? Can you still do it?”, Haneul asked, closing her laptop and focusing on Jimin.

It had been a while since Jimin returned, and he was still adapting being a human.

“Why do you ask? ”, Jimin eyed her, suspiciously.

“Just asking. And hey! Don’t give me that look!”

“Why don't you test me, then? ”, Jimin gave her a smirk.

Haneul suddenly felt a panic rising within. There were various thoughts in her mind that she wouldn’t want anyone to know.

“W-what. So can you, or can’t you?”, She frowned.

“Who knows.”, He laughed.

Haneul held Jimin’s shoulder, and looked into his eyes.

“Then let us try this. I will think of something, and you guess what I am thinking of.”, Haneul suggested.


“Are you ready? ”, She asked, receiving a nod from the latter.

She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. The moment she released the breath, she gazed straight into his eyes and filled her mind with one thought.

Marry me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me. Marry me, Jimin. Park Jimin, marry me—

Her intense thinking were cut off when Jimin’s soft lips met her forehead. “You will bore a hole in me if you keep staring at me like that.”

“So will you m—”

“Sorry.”, Jimin whispered. Haneul paused. She was horrified. She loved Jimin so much, but he didn’t feel the same. Before tears could even gather in her eyes, Jimin continued. “I lied. I can’t read minds anymore.”


“YO—”, She yelled before she was attacked with hugs and kisses.

“Would you rather I read your thoughts? ”, Jimin asked with an innocent face.

“You know what?”, For now, this was enough. She loved him so much.“I forgive you. ”

Park Jimin became confused.

“What do you mea—”

She kissed him.


haha hi luvs<33 thank you sm for reading this book.

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