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I woke to a familiar room with a severe headache.

Aww. What is happening? Where am I? What happened?

I looked around to find myself in my room.

Huh? Am I really in my room or am I just dreaming?

I got up from the bed and I stepped on something.. or someone.

"Oww." The voice said.

I freaked out, totally.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I shouted and several voices started shouting with me.

"AHH- WHO ARE YOU ALL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU ALL A THEIF? IF YOU ARE THEIF GET OUT,I AM GONNA CALL COP-" I was cut off When someone turned the light on and saw the seven princes. Here? In my room?

"Why are you here- Oh yeah" I cut myself off as I recalled yesterday's event.


The king eventually pushed us towards a weird door and during getting pushed there, I lost my consciousness.

"Be back safe." Is the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


"Are you fine?" Yoongi asked me. I just nodded.

"Wait." I quickly checked my phone and saw:

January 14,2018

But When Jimin dragged me,it was January 7.

I was dumbfounded. Only one week has past.

"Do we have to live here?" Taehyung asked.

Others nodded.

"We don't have a choice you know." Jimin said.

"Haneul, you will let us live here right?" Namjoon asked. I just nodded.

As an heirness to one of the most successful family in Korea, I have grown with a very luxurious life. So of course having a big ass apartment will not be shocking at all.

"You all have to share though." I said and they nodded.

So we decided that I will stay on my own since, girls you know? Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok decided to stay in one room and other three elders in another.

I smiled feeling satisfied and soon enough, my phone started ringing.

Incoming call..


Accept.    |     Decline


"Haewon you bitch!"

"Woah chill, what's poppin'?"

"Nothing. I have gone crazy in the last one week."

"*laughs* Anyway are you free tonight?"

"Yes I am."

"Cool! Let's go clubbing!!"

"Okay but I have seven more dem-- I mean guys with me."

"Are they good looking?"

"Remind me why do I have to know you when I can disown you, you shit!"

"Geez, I was joking. Anyways, see you at 6!"

"See you!"

*call end*

"Who's that?" Seokjin asked as he started helping me in making the breakfast.

"My friend. Ah! We should go shopping afterwards." I cheered.

"Umm why?"

"We will go clubbing." I said.


"It is a place where people dance and have fun." I explained.

He was cutting some spanish until he let out a quiet yelp.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried. Drops of blood were dripping from his hands. I was about to cover it with some clothes when I realized something.

Why is his blood red?

I was sure I saw the blood of the guy named Jongin was black.

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