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          [THIRD PERSON]

Haneul was still unconscious and the people near her were worried to death.

"Why the heck did we have to meet that damn stupid fucker there?" Jungkook cussed and Seokjin smacked him.

"Language mister!"

"Should I look upon the poison that is in her body?" Namjoon asked.

"Not should 'I' but you should." Seokjin said.

"I wonder what she is thinking of." Jimin mumbled.

"We heard that." They said in unison.


Where am I? Who am I? What am I?

Questions like that started to linger inside my head. I was in a place or should I say i was in a large pandemonium? A dark and black maze.

Am i dead? I questioned myself.

From a far distance,I saw a bright light shining. I ran towards it but I was not reaching towards it. But then I am reaching towards it until I realized the light was marching towards me.

And like the ocean,I drowned in the bright light.



"Wake up, Haneul." I heard a voice calling me. I immediately opened my eyes and saw my mother's worried face.

"Are you okay? You have been sleep talking alot lately." She said.

But what about the darkness i was in? Was it a dream? Or a nightmare?

"Get ready for school!" Mom said.

"Mom! What time and date is it?" I asked.

"Did you forget? Today's your first year in high school. And today is February 4." She reminded.

Really? I have to go to school again.

I groaned as i woke up. I did my morning routine.

I was doing my hair.

"Ah. Ummm. Hello, I am Kim Haneul."
I practiced.

"Eomma, I am off to school.~" I sang as i went out.

"How should I introduce myself??" I wondered.

I realized that introducing yourself in freshmen is really nerve wrecking.

I let out a deep breath as i walked inside the school campus.

"Haneul-ah!!" I turned up to see Lee Eun Ji and Kwon Haewon running towards me

"How are you?" I squeaked.

We chatted a little before running to the hall they called us to gather.

"Welcome back to school,students. I would also like to welcome the new students and freshmen. We hope that you all will make your school life like a pretty blooming flower." We all clapped.

"Ahh. That miss was talking too much." Eunji complained.

"Haneul-ah! Watch out." Haewon panicked before pushing me towards the other side and a ball went through.

"Would you mind to pass the ball?" Someone with a deep voice said.

"Why would we pass your ball? It almost hit me." I shouted.

"But it didn't." He replied.

"What if it did? What had you done?" I glared.

"I wish it had hit you so i can show what i will do."


"Taehyung-ah! Just apologize." A voice said before marching towards me.

"I am sorry from his side. I am Park Jimin. You are?" He held out his hands.

"Haneul." I shook his arm. "Kim Haneul."


"He was so hot.." I said day-dreaming about Jimin.

"Yeah...." Eunji trailed off beside me.

"How can he be so hot?" Haewon said.

"I wish i could talk to him,again." I sighed.

"You even got to held hands with him." Haewon whined.

"I think i like him." The three of us said together.

"I said it first." Eunji protested.

"No i did." Haewon fought.

"Nah. I was the first one." I joined.

"May the best woman wins." Haewon smirked.


How are you all??

Its warm and wet nowadays so everybody is staying home right?

By the way, I think Haneul and taehyung was meant to fight.

Well, all the bad man cop out.*kicks*

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