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It's been a while since unexplainable and unnatural things have happened to me.

Sometimes I hear my name being called from my room where I don't let anyone enter and sometimes I can see humans in the mirror.

Maybe I am hallucinating and hearing things but it feels so real.

I even feel like someone is always watching me. So creepy.

"Back to earth, Haneul." Haewon, my best friend said interrupting my thoughts. "You zoned out, again."

I sighed loudly. "What's the matter?" Haewon asked.

"Will you believe me, Wonnie?"

"Of course, I would."

"I have been hallucinating and hearing things." I pouted.

"What happens?"

I explained to her about my wild imagination and those weird things related to mirrors.

"Well shit, you are in trouble."

I widened my eyes, glaring at her.

She gave me a scary look.

Jung Haewon and I study at Seoul University as a third-year student.

Well, I mean when we go back to the university, we will be third year. We just completed our second year and are currently living the best of our winter.

"I heard from my grandmother that there is a world inside the mirror. That world is ruled by the devils. After every century, a human is dragged to that world by a devil who will be considered as very important." She explained with some hand gestures.

"What the--what do you mean?"I asked.

"Listen to me."

"Go ahead."

"There will be a world opposite of the mirror where at least one human being is dragged for some reason. They believe that the devils appear usually on the full moon's night. It is said that if humans fail to do their assigned mission, they will be trapped there forever. But the time pattern is different since their time moves fast compared to us-"

"Don't say anymore." I cut her off, covering my ears.

She chuckled.

"But you sounded like a holy witch when you said that. Where did you hear that?" I asked.

"U-uh...My grandmother had told me these. I used to ask her to tell me some fairy tales but she used to give me nightmares with these ridiculous stories." She said, uneasily.

I laughed.

My laughter soon died down when I realized that today was the full moon night. I would have asked her to let me spend the night here, but she is going out of town today.

Now I am scared like how a child fears the monster under his bed.


(edited: I changed the name of the characters)

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