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I woke up as the pain in my head shot me hard. I shouldn't have drank so much last night.

"Shit." I cursed as I felt something beside me.

I focused my vision as I saw I was in a store room and tied? Why aren't I am in my room and why am I tied?

"Where the hell am I?" I asked to myself as the pain in my head was killing me.

"You woke up,kitten?"

I turned to the direction the voice came from. A man? Where are the other guys?

"Who are you?" I asked. He smirked and made his way towards me.

"Welcome back, kitten." He replied. "I am Chanyeol. Responsible for you in this mission." He said.

"Responsible for me?" I widened my eyes. He nodded.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The Dark Knight of course. Are you asking it?" He replied. I gave him confused look.

"How? Why?"



A loud sound interrupt the boys in the room. There they were. EXO.

"Had fun? Killing our Jongin?" Kyungsoo said as he threw a hard punch towards Jimin.

Jimin faintly laughed.

"Laughing? ARE YOU LAUGHING?" He yelled as he started punching Jimin on the face continuously and Baekhyun trying to stop him.

Yoongi was irritated with Kyungsoo punching Jimin and him doing nothing so he landed a hard punch on his jaw.


"Don't touch him." Yoongi warned.

"Shouldn't we settle this?" Namjoon said as all eyes were on him.

"We don't want to." Chanyeol said as he threw a ball of wrapped plastics which made the whole men in the room's vision blur.

"Have a good time finding this girl." Xiumin's voice was heard as they were dragged back into the portal.


Haneul was glaring at Chanyeol. He just chuckled evily and went to god knows where.

Haneul let out a sigh..

"Why me....." She breathed

She suddenly had an idea. She tried looking for an sharp objects as she saw it. The mirror.

She broke it with her hand as the blood were spilling every where.
Y/N didn't feel any pain as she kept the process of breaking the mirror.

She saw something strange. I don't have times for this shits.

But little did she knew that there was the biggest mystery hidden in that.

She finally got rid of the rope as she was a bleeding mess.

She tried to find an exit and there was a door.

She went through the door and saw something very unusual.

"What's this?" She whispered as she had her eyes opened wide.

"It can't be them." Her eyes grew wider.

"And why is Haewon here?"


Hope you like it.❤

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