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Haneul opened her eyes slowly with tears. She saw all the devils--boys sleeping against each other. She teared up more when her eyes landed on certain someone. Who was snuggled with Taehyung.

The man she had loved unconditionally was now a devil with no feelings. She wished to change it but how?

What she doesn't know is the sparks in Jimin's eyes when she smiles at him. The butterfly in his stomach when she giggles. The beat in his frozen heart when she stares at her with loving and warm gaze. But he was never gonna admit it. Because it was her, who forgot about him.

"Have you find out who you are?" A voice whispered inside her head.

"Come to me." It kept chanting. Haneul covered her ears and shook her head. She made sure not to make any sounds because the boys were sleeping soundfully.

Gradually her body started reacting to it and she found herself slowly moving to god knows where.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly as he felt pressure pressed to his stomach. Opening his eyes, he saw Jimin who was cuddled into his stomach. Taehyung smiled ever so fondly and ruffled his hair softly, making sure to not wake him up.

Since everyone was asleep, Taehyung leaned back. But something was definitely not right. What was that.. He turned around and saw the bed empty. He stared at it for a good minute and then started screaming, jolting awake all the sleeping ones.

"What the hell, Tae?" Jimin groaned.

"T-that--" Taehyung got cut off since Jimin's hand was pressing his stomach.

"OH NO!" Jungkook shouted, finally understanding the situation.

"Now what?" Yoongi groaned, angrily even though he couldn't deny the admiration he had for the younger.

"HANEUL'S GONE MISSING!" He shrieked. Everyone's attention shifted to the now empty bed where Haneul used to lay lifelessly.

"What?" Gasp and sighs filled the room.

Yet again, they heard a scream. But this time it was not from Taehyung but from outside.

All the men rushed outside and checked in the every corner. No single trace of Haneul.

"Guys, look what I found!" Seokjin exclaimed, holding a piece of folded paper in his hand.

"Save your princess;)" It read. "Will be waiting till tomorrow's sunset."


Short chapter:)

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