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I wore a white thin hoodie and a black skinny jeans with black converse. The boys wore same as me.

We went to the mall and every body started gazing at us or should I say, the boys.

They looked like shining star.

"You all can pick any cloths you want." I said and they suddenly separated.


I looked for a cloths for myself. What should I buy?

As I was wondering around, I came across a white pants and a half sleeves white shirt which had 'FLAWLESS' printed on it.

I looked at the boys to see them with many bags. Like many bags.

I paid for it as we went home.

I changed into my outfit and tied my hair from the top of my head. I looked different.

As I went out from my room, I saw the boys there like an angels. They look great.

They looked at me and smiled.

"Let's go?" Namjoon said in a very weird tone. I nodded.

As we got outside, there was a horn. I looked to see Haewon in her car as she widened her eyes seeing the boys.

'Too many.' She mouthed while I just shrugged.

The car ride was very uncomfortable. The boys had to adjust as they kept complaining to each other.

As we reached in the club, Haewon dragged me at the side.

"Yah, isn't he Min Suga?" Haewon asked as she pointed to Yoongi. I Just nodded.

"They are really cool"


"Imma gonna make that cute boy mine."

"They are hot."

I can hear the squeal coming from

Soon enough, we were greeted by the loud music.

"IT'S VERY LOUD." Yoongi shouted.

"YOU HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE TOO."I replied. He just tsk'ed and sat down.

"IS THIS PLACE USUALLY LOUD?" Taehyung asked. I nodded.

We had a couple of shots and that were enough to make me drunk.

Then I don't seem to remember anything.


The liquor was very strong. The other girl and Haneul was drunk and talking to each other.

"Are this girls usually like this?" Namjoon Hyung asked Yoongi Hyung.

"They developed a new habit." He replied eyeing the two girls who were laughing because of god knows what.


"What should we-"

"Look who we have here." A voice said cutting off Jungkook and making us turn around.

I saw a group of five girls making their way towards the girls.

"It's been a while, bitch." The same girl said. Haneul just looked up and glared.

"Losers......" She trailed.

"What?" Another girl shouted.

"LOSER." Haneul yelled at their face.

"Oh. Suga oppa?" A girl noticed Yoongi Hyung as they started turning their heads to us.

Suga has become so popular.

Yoongi Hyung rolled his eyes as he had that aura surrounding when he doesn't like the person. Even though it is too often.

"He!" A girl said in a very girl-ish manners. Cliché.

*Bitch. Kill me already.* I turned to look at Haneul to only see her glaring at the girls.

"Yahh! back off." Haneul said as she pushed the girls aside and moved between us.


"Why don't you mind your language and go away, Seulgi?" Yoongi Hyung said.

The girl made a hurt expression and shifted towards my side.

"Would you please move a side?" I politely said.

"Hey cutie pie. Wanna get along-"

"HE'S MINE!" Haneul interrupt her.

We all looked at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" A sharp eye girl asked.

"He is dating me. Can't you make out?" Haneul smirked."

"I know she is fiery but I didn't know she was this fierce." Taehyung whispered

"She totally pissed them off." Hoseok Hyung chuckled

The girls were knocked out.

We had to adjust back home and Seokjin Hyung knew how to drive.

Since we didn't know where Haewon girl lived so we decided to let her lay at Haneuls place.

Suddenly, everything became dark.

"Had fun there?" A voice said.

Oh shit.

Dun, dun, dun.😘

Updated after a long time. School was going on as I was clueless what to write.

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