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"Are you sure that this place is safe because I surely feel unsafe here." Taehyung frowned, not liking the place they are spending the night at.

"I am sure it is. Are you scared?" Hoseok mocked at the man who looked ethereal even while doing nothing.

"I AM NOT!" Taehyung exclaimed, shades of pink covering his face.

"Don't underestimate my Taehyung." Jimin laughed.

"Jimin." Taehyung faked cried and turned around to hug Jimin. "My man!"

"Shut it, you motherfuckers!" Yoongi growled.

"Yes!" The members who were fooling around, answered obediently.

"Let's charge ourselves so we can continue tomorrow." Namjoon chimed.

"Night guys."

Haneul opened her eyes and saw herself in the beautiful garden. She slowly woke up from the bed she was laying on and made her way towards the flowers planted. She crouched down and smiled, gazing at one of the flowers.

"Smeraldo." She mused lowly. "It will be over soon."

Jimin woke up as he felt something brushing his face.

"What the hell..?" He mumbled and opened his eyes. After he opened his eyes fully and came to his senses, his eyes widened.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered. He found himself in the vast land with nothing but lost in a maze.

"Your game starts now." A voice whispered at his ears. "Find them if you can."

"You sure are having fun there, aren't you?" Jongdae rolled his eyes, when he saw Haein smirked, looking at the fierce look on Jimin's face and the gentle look on Haneul's face.

"The fun has just begun." Haein smirked. "Though I can already see the end of this game."

"And how does your end looks like?" Kyungsoo snorted.

"Of course Jimin comes to me and Haneul dies."

"You are more worse than us." Chanyeol scoffed. "No wonder you are the 'The Great Haein'."

"As I said, he will either give up and let Haneul be trapped inside this portal forever or he will free her and erase himself from her life. That's the only option he has."

"Why do you even enjoy torturing these poor humans so much?" Baekhyun sighed, his sympathetic nature already kicking over.

"Because they are fun to torture." Haein smirked before walking away from the room to god knows where.

"I seriously don't like her!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

"Same here! She wants everything to go as per her." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"Why are we even helping her? I want to fight against her!" Jongdae released a deep breathe. "Just what sin did those boys and that girl commit?"

"Of course it is Haein." Chanyeol interrupted. "It was always been Haein. Jimin and Jongin were good friends, but that was until that terrible witch messed up things. We all used to get along with them so well but she manipulated us with her dirty tricks."

"Hyung, did you notice that many of the members couldn't use their powers right?" Sehun asked.

"I think the curse is slowly being broken." Xiumin said. "No human can possess any magical powers."

"Then how did that girl learn it?" Sehun asked, curiosity bubbling up inside him.

"Of course, it was just for a spur of time. Didn't you see Krystal with her? Haneul was being protected by the white devil. Just who could harm her?" Xiumin explained.

"Then does it mean that Eunji was reborn?" Kyungsoo tilted his head in confusion. "The only white devil to be born and will be born was Eunji who was executed by Haein."

"Yes Eunji was reborn. She couldn't let the evil force win. She had always protected Haneul and will continue despite dying."

"Doesn't that make her Haneul's guardian?" Baekhyun asked.

"Of course, Eunji is Haneul's guardian deity."

"No wonder she protected Haneul so much."


(happy birthday to me!)

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