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"How about that?" Eunji pointed to a very revealing dress.

"Nooo.." I pouted looking at her who thinks i would wear this piece of cloth.

"Thennn what?" She whined as it was the 13th attempts of us finding a suitable dress for me.

"I want a simple..." I said my eyes wondered.

"Why is selecting a dress so hard?" I complained. "Specially when you are going with your crush?"

She just chuckled. "Why are you so stressed out? Chill its just a date."

"Nooo. I can't go out with Park Jimin looking like a dying giraffe!" I whined and she laughed out loud drawing attentions towards us.

"You are not even taller than a pig yet you compare yourself with a giraffe." She pointed out.

"Yah--" My eyes caught a very simple yet pretty dress pink in colour.

"That!" I ran towards it and Eunji followed my way.

"How is it?" I asked picking the dress and showing it to Eunji who had widened her eyes.

"Why? How is it?" I once again asked.

"I like it." A voice behind me spoke making me freeze.

The person came to my side and examined the dress carefully.

"Hmmm. Its simple and pretty." He nodded. "...just like you."

I widened my eyes as he smiled at me giving back the dress.

"You are going to look pretty in that." He ruffled my hair before walking away.

"Was that real Park Jimin?" Eunji who was frozen all the time asked.

"He just called me....pretty." I smiled and suddenly let out a scream.

"Why are you so lucky? Getting noticed by your crush and going on dates with him." She sighed dreamily.

And at that moment i realized how much lucky i am.

We bought the dress and went to my house since mom was at work.

He really made my day today.

But one thing struck in my head.

Where was Haewon?

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