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"Americano for Kim Haneul. Here you go." The waiter smiled me, passing the cup to me.

"Thank you." I returned the smile. I took a sip of the drink and proceeded to wipe the lens of my camera.

As I looked around the warm café, I cursed myself mentally. I mean, in this cold winter, why did I come to the beach?

Well even though it's basically to take pictures. It's been five years since I decided to be a photographer. Five years since everything ended. Five years since I lost him.

I stood and went to pay for my drink.

As I exited the café, the cold wind came crashing into my face. Shit, it's cold.

I sighed and went back to the café, ordering an americano once again as I took a sit where I was previously seated.

I checked out my phone as I saw some messages from my mom and dad, asking me to visit them or how am I doing.

Quickly replying to their messages, I surfed through the internet.

After some minutes, someone tapped at my shoulder. I turned around to see a boy around the age of ten(?) staring at me. For some reason, this boy seemed so familiar.

"Are you Kim Haneul, miss?" He asked, smiling cutely.

"Yes, I am." I smiled at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Ahh. This flower is for you." He handed me a rose. "One Hyung gave it to me telling me to give it to you."

"Uhh. Thank you?" I said, receiving the rose. "What's your name?"

"I am Jeon Jungkook." He said and walked away. Jeon Jungkook...? Is it..

I quickly stood up, paid and rushed to chase the boy.

After I exited, I followed him as he walked quickly, as if he knew I was after him.

Soon after I reached at the bus station near the ocean, I lost sight of him.

I sighed deeply out of frustration. It might not be them. How can it be?

Agreeing to myself that I have gone crazy, I decided to walk by the ocean since I was already here.

The cold breeze stroked my hair as I walked by the ocean, clicking pictures of the scenery. 

I let out a sigh, puff of smoke being released from my mouth.

I brought the camera near my eyes, focusing on everything, turning around like a mad woman.

As I was slowly being captivated in the view, a figure caught my eyes. Not to mention, my camera was focused on the figure too.

Tears started to stream down my face, a wave of nostalgia hitting me like a hard rock.

He smiled at me. The same angelic smile. The same angelic face. The same gaze.

Soon he started to make his way towards me and before I knew it, we were standing face to face.

He wrapped his white knitted scarf around me, a tear falling from his eye.

"I told you, didn't I?" He said, his soft voice ringing in my ear. "I will always come back for you."

And this time I knew for sure, Park Jimin can never disappear again.


(finally this fanfic has meet it's end. this story moved quite fast. i have no experience in writing so finishing this was very difficult for me.

see you all in the next book)

love you guys and thank you for reading this book.


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