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I am not a special person. But why the heck am I even getting these weird thoughts?

It was almost night when I reached my apartment. I debated with myself whether I should go in or not.

"Just go in already.", I said to myself.
I unlocked the door and entered.

I took a warm shower for about half an hour and changed into grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

I watched TV for a while and my phone vibrated signaling I received a message.


-have you entered the world
of wonder yet?

-what do you mean by the world of wonder?-_-

-you know that world where
i stay? that is known as
a mirror world😂

-what tf,haewon?

-anyways have you entered the
world yet?

-stop scaring the shit outta me. i am already freaked out.

-lol. okay sorry.

This girl knows how to scare other people. I turned off the TV and stretched, groans of pleasure leaving my mouth as I let my eyes unconsciously wonder where the clock was located.

11:39 pm.

I went to my room and yawned, throwing myself on my bed. Suddenly, the lights blacked out, making me want to kill the electricians. What the heck?

I chanted myself to sleep hundreds of times but panic in my mind was rising. So I hesitantly pulled myself up to search for my phone, maybe it would keep me distracted.

Then suddenly, a pair of red eyes glowed in the mirror.

"What's happening?" I asked no one in particular.

A figure began to emerge in the darkness making its way towards me.

I lost consciousness due to the strong evil aura coming from the figure.


"Don't worry." I smirked. "I will be your guidance devil."

I carried her unconscious body back to the world I belonged to.

"Wow, I am surprised to have you seen succeed." Namjoon Hyung mocked and I gestured to hit him. He put both of his hands up as if surrendering.

"Isn't she....her?" Seokjin Hyung asked.

"Yes, hyung. She is." Jungkook answered.

"Wah look. She became really pretty." Taehyung commented. All of us nodded.

"She did." I smirked.

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