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"Suga oppa?" I asked.

"Haneul! Long time no see." He said.

"What are you-" I got interrupt by Hoseok.

"He did enter the human world, twice. So maybe he knows you. But what is Suga? His name is Yoongi."

Yoongi? He told me that Yoongi demon had swag and made me laugh. I didn't had idea of him talking about himself.

"He is Suga. Min Suga. He was my senior when I was second year at university." I said confused.

"It's odd to meet you outside the world." Suga oppa said chuckling.

"I can see outside world very clearly." I said sarcastically.

"You haven't change Haneul." He said.

"Who change in one year." I said making all the guys in the room laugh.

"How's Haewon?" He asked. I was not sure if I should call him Suga or Yoongi.

"She is maybe getting ready to go to hell because imma gonna kill her. Why do you ask though?" I asked making him snort.

"Can't I even ask?"

I nodded giving him a playful glare. Strangely I don't feel scared like earlier. They may not be a human yet I have positive vibes from them.

"Aren't you surprised to see me here?" Suga or Yoongi asked.
"I thought my eyes were playing with me." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Very funn-"

is sarcastic remark was cut off by a loud crash.

We all looked at the direction from where the noice is coming. We ended up in kitchen with a plate on the floor,broken.

"Namjoon, this is the 5th plate you broke in three days." Seokjin faceplamed.

Namjoon smiled sheepishly.

"Aren't you royals? Why aren't there any maids?" I asked.

"we are at the other side of the royal house." Taehyung said making me nod.

"Aren't you hungry?" Jimin asked.

I shook my head.

"Not really." I replied and he gave me a nod.


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