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"Cursed princes?"

They all turned towards me with wide eyes. "What do you mean by it?" I asked making my way to them.

"N-nothing. Umm... We were talking about a story where the prince is cursed." Seokjin said.

I raised my eyebrows.


"You should sleep.... Huh?" Taehyung and Jimin said together. I nodded and went but one thing stuck on my mind.

"Wait. Who is Jongin?" I asked turning back to them.

"Kai. He is a part of dangerous demons called EXO."(A/N: I am Sorry EXO-L)

"But why are you all making a big fuss?" I asked.

"They can do anything to you and anytime." Namjoon answered.

"But why to me........?" I replied.

"Since you are a human, you idiot." Hoseok said.


"KAI HAS BEEN FOUND DEAD." Kyungsoo shouted.

"What? Where?" I asked. "Near the territory of the palace." He answered.

"Bangtan......." I said through my gritted teeth.

"But why?" Jongdae asked.

"He was abusing a human." Kyungsoo replied.

"A human....?" Baekhyun questioned before coming to a realization.

"It's 100 years already. It's time for a new prey." I said.

"Chanyeol, are you gonna let the human break the curse?" Lay asked.

"I can't wait to see the human killing themself again." I smirked.

"Can a human love a demon?" Baekhyun asked.

"They are not demons. They are just cursed to become the devil princes. Yet no human could love one of them and break the curse." Junmyeon added and Baekhyun just nodded.

"I am gonna take revenge for Kai. Just wait dear princes and pitiful human." I smirked.

"But I heard that it is her." Yixing said and my eyes immediately darted to him.

"What do you mean by her?"


"AHHH.. " I winced clenching my lower abdomen since it was hurting like someone was ripping it off. I was drenched in sweat and moving in the bed holding my lower abdomen.

"Oww. Ah-aww." I weakly made my way to the hallways and used the walls as my support. I was a total mess by now.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked me as he came to a view.

"Nooooo. It hurts." I whined. He came and hold my waist to support me. I just kept wincing in pain.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Jimin noticed it and carried me in his arms.

"Put m-me downn."I said through pain. He took me to the garden and kept me on the nearby bench as he went to pick a random flower.

I Just stared at him forgetting about the cramps.

Am I crazy?

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They went out the kingdom for some business." He said.

"Oh. And what about the king?" I asked again making sure to roll my eyes when the word 'king' left my mouth.

"He went with others too. So it means there's only you and me in the palace." He said, smirking.

"You should help me with cramps more often." I said making him look at me in shock and I chuckled. "Just joking you fool" I said.

He kept the flower on his hand in my hair and started styling my hair.

"Your hair is soft you know." He commented.

"Don't lie. I didn't even comb it." I retorted.

"I am honest though."

"Did you have your breakfast? I am hungry as hell." I said.

He dragged me inside and made me some ramyeon.

It's a funny thing, they don't eat monsters and some disgusting creatures.

"Why do you know how to cook?" I asked and He frowned.

"Am I not supposed to cook?" He said.

"I thought you all will be a spoiled brat princes cause there will be maids to do your works." I answered.

He just shrugged and kept eating it.

"Yah. How old are you by the way?" I asked.

"899?" He said and I looked at him in disbelief.


I am 23 years if staying as a devil doesn't count.

"Were you alive for that long-"

"JIMIN."a voice called out and a very panicked Yoongi came running.

"What happened Hyung?" Jimin asked worried as the whole princes including the king showed up.

"They have started fighting against us and we can't use our magic and strength to fight them back." Jungkook said.

"What?" Jimin stood up and tried using his power but it wasn't any use.

"Our magic powers are sealed."

I panicked. It's my fault.

"It's not your fault Y/N." Jimin replied to my thought.

"What should we do now?" Hoseok asked.

"I will take care of it for now and you all should run away with her." The king said.

I immediately felt guilty for arguing with him.

"But where?" Taehyung asked and I was in tears by now.

"Go to the that world. Her world. World that lies behind that pitiful mirror."


Hope you like it.

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