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This is literally a hell right now.

Jimin chased the drunk Haneul as she kept escaping from his arms.

"Haneul-ah~ come here." Jimin cooed.

"Nahhh~~ catch me if you can." She slurred before running around with Jimin chasing her..

On her way of running, she tripped on a pillow and fell down.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked worriedly as he crouched down to the floor. She had her eyes filled with tears and she sobbed scaring Jimin.

"W-what's wrong?" Jimin asked nervously.

"He won't love me back." Haneul said out of blue.


"I like Jimin--love Jimin very much but he don't love me back." She sobbed. "He will leave me soon like other girls."

Jimin was taken back by her sudden confession. Of course he always noticed how shy she would get around him, but not to the point where he would know she loved him.

"He will not leave you." Jimin patted her back as she sobbed.

"H-how do you k-know?"

"I know him. He said he loves you too." Jimin whispered in her ear.

"R-really?" She sticked out her pinky. "promise?"

Jimin chuckled as he nodded before kissing her forehead and locking his finger. "I promise you. If he leaves, then i will sue him."

"You cannot sue him." Haneul mumbled.

"Why?" jimin asked.

"Because i love him."

On the other hand, there were another seven figure who was worried sick because of a girl who is dreaming sweetly.

"Hyung, are you sure she will wake up?" Jungkook asked as he looked at Namjoon.

"Yeah. According to the medicine I gave her, she should wake up after few days." Namjoon replied.


Owww! My head hurts.

I opened my eyes and the sunlight glared daggers at me.

"Are you awake?" Jimin, who was beside me asked.

I nodded slightly before turning my head and wincing.

"I will go and bring some medicines. don't move." He said and left.

this isn't my house. wait! how did i end up here. what tf happened last night?

I checked my clothes and they were still on my body.

what the heck happened?

"Here you go." JImin startled me as he came out of nowhere.

"umm...what happened last night?" I asked, nervously.

He smirked before turning to me. "About last night--" He suddenly came closer to me. "--i hope everything you said is true."

Hus eyes traveled down my lips as I was growing nervous as heck.

"What are you saying?" ai chuckled nervously. "What did i say last nigh-"

I was cut off by his lips on mine.

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