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Haneul cleared her throat loudly. It was really silent at the living room they all gathered.

"W-why are we here?" She stuttered.

"I don't know?"

"Are you okay? You have been acting weird since Jimin visited you. Has he done anything to you?" Krystal asked,worriedly. You could have asked me that later.

"N-nothing!" She blushed deep red.


Jimin smirked before moving next her. What the hell,man?

"Aren't your legs hurting?" Jimin whispered at the poor girl's ear leaving her confused.

"Why would my legs be-"

"Cause you have been running in my mind the whole day." He smirked making the girl blush more than she already was.

Well,that was unexpected.

"What was that?" Hoseok asked looking at the two before screaming.

Haneul realized that Jimin was leaning in her ear. She suddenly pushed him off.

Jimin groaned as his butt touched the cold floor.


Why am i here?

"Why are we in the forest?" I whined.

I don't know why am i here but they ended up dragging me here for no reason.

"I told you we will have fun." Namjoon grabbed my wrist.

I heard some unusual sounds by the bush.

"What's that sound?" I looked at Namjoon.

"Which sound?" He was confused. Maybe it was my imagination.

"Hey, Haneul-ah,were you ever in love?" Krystal asked.

I thought for a moment.

"Mom said I had a boyfriend before 2 years and i really loved him." I told. Well i don't remember having any boyfriend.

The boys all became stiff as a loud chuckle escaped.

A dark chuckle.

"Who's there?" Yoongi asked,alerted.

The boys started to line up before me and Krystal.

"I had enough." The voice said before coming in view.

My eyes widened in the sight of the female.

"Haewon-ah!" I mumbled and she turned at my direction before waving.


"It might be confusing,right?" She smirked.

Before I could say anything, she pointed her fingers at me and suddenly bolt of fire came towards me.

The force missed me because of runes Jimin suddenly built.

"Haewon-ah!"I whispered.

"What are you?" Taehyung shouted.

She laughed again.

"Well,I erased your memories but no wonder I was erased too. Well you can see-"She turned to me. "-I am Haein not Haewon."

I stopped thinking everything


Yoongi was beyond shocked.

The innocent and sweet girl whom
Haneul was fond of was a evil witch. A witch who likes to trap people in her games.

She disappeared from her place and appeared behind Haneul where she was not guarded.

She smirked.

Haneul traced out of her thoughts and suddenly her eyes shined.

Haein was thrown back from her position with wide eyes.


Krystal smiled.

Namjoon took turn as his attire changed into armours and started shooting her with knives.

Hoseok chanted some spells and large eagles were made from ice.

Krystal raised her hands to direction of sky and clapped. Then another form of her appeared.

Jimin smirked. He knew who Krystal was, now. Haneul was being protected by the white devil.

Two swords were in his each hands and he charged towards her.

Haein smiled. She was not known as ' 'the great Haein' for nothing.

She dodged them all.

"Dragon force:White dragon." She started transforming.

"Secret art." Haneul chanted leaving all the eyes wide.

"Where did you learn that?" Krystal exclaimed. She surely taught Haneul how to control and use her powers but she never taught her the secret arts. That was too dangerous for a human to learn.

"I guess i saw it in your magic book?" She answered,grinning and she focused to her enemy whom she once called a 'best friend'.

Haneul took a deep breathe and closed her eyes.

Lights started to emerge from her body. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes turned red. And the moment her eyes glared at Haein , a range of white light with lighting fell upon Haein making her scream.

Jimin started to draw runes to protect themselves while Yoongi started to drag everyone except for the lying body into the runes.

"You did it." Jungkook screamed.

Krystal hugged her while the boys praised her.

"Not yet." A evil chuckle escaped her mouth while she straightened her position.

"You are great, Haneul. No wonder you could extract the eyes of what is supposed to be mine." Haein said, her eyes becoming serious than ever.

Haein's body was now surrounded by the stars and it was shooting everyone without missing a shot.

Haein aimed towards Haneul as she appeared behind her breaking the runes.

She bit Haneul's neck sucking her blood and leaving her unconscious.


Yoongi acted fast as he flew upon sky creating shapes. Haein tried to chase him but he was too fast. When Yoongi landed back to the ground,he smirked.

"Meteors." He drew stars as it poccessed her body. She was lying on the ground again.

Krystal and the princes carried Haneul to the house as she was bleeding really bad.

"I hope you have your memories all back."



I updated finally♡

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