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My condition left me asleep for almost four days time I'd been informed, leaving my muscles aching after only a little work. Sweat dripped down my face and into places I wish I was unfamiliar with.

Even if the work was hard, it was harder to dislike the new calm I had. No more glass shards to cut me, no more constant debris I had to clear only for my work to be completely undone when rowdy people came through.

Most of all, I was allowed food so good I regained my strength easily unlike before. The silence I had worked in had never been so tranquil.

The plain green dress I chose served as padding under my knees before I rose and continued cleaning inspecting and scrubbing the stone floors. I peered outside not to find cramped alley ways but open, foggy woods and as muggy as it seemed the air was very clean.

Just what did he do all day though? I scarcely saw the Warlord, though he frequented a parlor room and the library. The smell of wine was never far from him, and the rich liquid often almost made me nauseous. I've never known a good man with alcohol.

When I rose in the morning to the kitchen, I inquired of tea leaves. Or any herbs in store he might have.

"The kitchen and pantry, anything, is at your disposal. Do as you please." He only replied, the same tone of voice everytime.

I hated it, but I could feel everytime his eyes were on me. They watched my every move this time, as I'd been surprised with his presence in the kitchen today. I mixed tea leaves carefully, measuring the temperature of the water down to pouring hot water to heat my cup itself.

"Is that a tea ceremony." He stated, or asked, I couldn't tell quite yet.

"You flatter me, it's only a sad imitation." I gave a weak chuckle, pouring water over the pot before turning my gaze out the large window.

"I'd find a cup agreeable, see to it in the parlor." He ordered, and with that I finally felt a little more at was as he exited the room.

I heated another cup for myself and took him his tea, which his somewhat interested gaze told me he enjoyed before I left him be. I'm not sure if I could say he enjoyed anything but training out in the woods for hours and hours at a time and wine though.

Eying the herb supplies, I couldn't find one simple ingredient. Mint leaves. I eyed my dress's fabric and headed off into the woods with a clothe tied around my head to hopefully shield my frizzy mess of hair from the rain.

The cool air felt good but the humidity was sapping my breath. I felt my breaths deepen as I trudged through ferns and grass to scavenge for any herbs I could find, not only mint.

A lone hoot from a far off echoed in the forest, and I turned to look at the looming figure of the castle in admiration. As soon as I did though, I noticed prints on the muddy forest floor quickening my heart rate.

It was unfamiliar to me, to have wild animals around, so as far as I knew it was a deer. Something that couldn't hurt me like the haunting presences in the woods.

Quickening my pace I found mint and cat mint, a curious combination. The scents of the herbs cleared my mind and I was aware of two pairs of eyes from a dark crevice in between the trees.

"Oh." I couldn't contain a surprised exclamation, the small figures coming into view of two small kittens. A siamese with crystal blue eyes and a completely black cat with eyes hauntingly similar to my new employer.

They mewed a moment but flinched at my movement before I kneeled down and sat in wait of them, because I would die rather than leave them alone now.

I lured them with cheese I'd swiped for myself, and I soon found myself carrying two kittens in my apron pockets, as small as they are.

"So very cute, what should we do?" I curiously asked, wrapping the mint and mushrooms in the clothe I brought atop my head to place it under my arm gently.

"You'll have to excuse me, I'm not the best with names." I played gently with the black cat, the siamese mewing with discontent at the lack of attention. Or perhaps they were hungry, goodness knows how long they'd been in the rain.

"I would never forget you, Alice." I murmured gently and continued to walk whilst petting her as much as I could, watching the stones and debris of the forest floor and my surroundings which were not very well for putting me at ease. I was still so very unfamiliar with the new environment.

At my next step, A hoot found my ears frighteningly close and I stopped in my tracks as a...monkey came close dressed as a person with a knife to complete his look before he lunged at me.

I held the kittens close and readied myself, no way would harm come to them while I breathed. But for the moment, maybe it's myself I should worry about.

Another came out of the trees and I found a knife pinning my dress edge down which I ripped without care and ran in the direction of the castle.

I tried to control my breaths but my eyes darted wildly until I found something I could use, smooth stones of the river. The scent of running water was better than I thought it could be, at least much better than the ocean I'd lived near for so long.

I dried stones haphazardly, and began aiming for the baboons head for a clean shot I prayed god would forgive, before five more came out and I found myself backing into the rushing river.

They hooted and bared their teeth ferociously as I eyed the distance of my feet becoming fully submerged in water before I threw two more stones and left myself with three enemies closing in, one daring to throw a knife that narrowly missed my side. They only drew more near, too many more to count pouring from the woods and forcing me backwards.

Cries from the kittens pulled on my heart strings and I ran to push them up a tree, only to back away with a dagger marring my skin with a deep scratch in my side.

Blood welled up but for the moment another fact haunted me as I started to lose my balance on the slippery rocks.

The murky, dark as night water of the river rushing forth in a torrent ready to swallow me whole.

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