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I almost fidgeted with my lip before I stopped myself short because I'd just been chopping some very spicy jalapeños and I didn't want any natural lip plumper today. After the knife slipped and slid past my index finger Samara finally did something about it.

"You've been nervously doing things all day and it's freaking me out. What if you cut your finger off?" She demanded holding the knife away from me and I sighed at her observation skills.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to have a nice dinner with you guys on your ship for once and I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself and.."

"That won't happen! Well, who knows, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion." She sighed and I cringed. Why can't she take some things seriously! "Hmm, that last 'and'..you want him to be there don't you?"

She murmured it so quietly and then pat my shoulder as she walked away, that I pretended I didn't hear what she said as I distracted myself and resigned to directing Jackson and Sam though they didn't really need the input.

"Alright that's enough out of you little lady, go taste the punch or something." Jackson narrowed his eyes at my sorting the bowls of food I'd set out nonstop, finding nothing satisfactory in doing so even though it all looked wonderful.

"What he means to say," Sam interjected with a kind pat on my head. "Is that we've got it from here. Don't worry, go have fun and enjoy some time off. I asked the boss and he said he didn't mind so..maybe we'll get a surprise visit from the rest of our crew."

"Your crew?" I widened my eyes at the prospect and couldn't help another look over at the mountain of food I was sure wouldn't feed an entire pirate crew.

"Our cook would never leave you hanging! Now go, shoo, we don't need your negativity!"

I can't believe they kicked me off my own project after enlisting my help! I sat hopelessly, a small pout on my face at the emptiness I felt with nothing to do. Maybe I am being quite negative today..

As I pondered and stared out into the sea, I thought after a moment how easy it suddenly felt to look out at the endless shining waters before Isabella called me and I turned my back on a small figure on the horizon I would have seen if she hadn't.

"I wanna show you something! Come on!" She urged, tugging on my hand gently before she led me to their shared quarters and I looked on in astonishment at the beautiful paintings that lined every space of the walls.

There was not one blank wood wall, and you could hardly see any of it peeking even at the edges where the sheets of paper didn't quite meet.

"I..hope you like it.." She ducked her head and busied herself with sorting through a very many coloring pencils, pens, and brushes with colorful paint to match them.

I couldn't even find the words at the watercolor sceneries before me. Places I'd never seen were plainly in view, snowy forests, deserts, lively forests. And on top of that, she seemed to take a picture with her mind. Random snapshots of people were splashed throughout as she seemed to like nature better but she captured likeness so very well.

"It's so..breathtaking. You're a wonderful artist, Bella." I brushed her hair affectionately and she complained a bit before sitting down on her bed and taking a sheet of thick paper off a cluttered desk.

"I've been working on this one for a while..if you like it I want you to have it!" She handed it to me cautiously and I handled it with care at her actions. "I know..you got hurt because of me. I hope I can start making it up to you.."

Giving her a small smile I shook my head. "The blame is not all on you, and I never once accused or thought of you as bringing me harm."

Looking over the paper, it was stiff and still damp in some parts but otherwise in full color I marveled at the scene she captured.

The Master swordsman in heated battle with none other than myself, with a now confident looking grin on my face as i pushed back against him in the midst of a foggy forest.

"When did you see us fight?" I inquired and eyed her mischievous and somewhat guilty grin.

"I watch you whenever I can! So um, a lot of times I am pretty far away and I can't tell you exactly when." She looked away shyly.

"It's very cool." I gave her a thumbs up. "Make sure he doesn't see you and I won't tell. Though I'll say," I leaned in with a smirk.

"He probably already knows."

"Ah! Don't say that, you'll jinx it!" She shrieked and I couldn't stop a cackle at her words, Jane walking in with a pout.

"No far! You said you weren't finished and would show her when I was with you!" She beat on her friend playfully, tugging on her hair and pinching her ear.

"Ouch! I'm sorry!"

I couldn't hold back an eye roll as they literally took their fight outside when Jane started chasing Bella all over the ship and I was left alone to admire her artwork.

Finally, night fell and very quickly chaos erupted on deck.

The Fireside pirates had been lurking around the island for quite a while and as soon as the other's of their crew let their guards fall, they planned a 'siege' and came swinging in from all angles, some sliding down from the crow's nest and whooping as they went in with guns and large swords like the one Jackson had strapped on his back.

I, of course, had no idea what the rest of the crew looked like and as soon as they descended, an unlucky lad found himself disarmed and face first into the deck.

Mihawk watched from afar as the captain himself walked up, a dark haired man with a large hat and a larger smile.

"Alright Lass, we surrender. Let old Tommy boy go, I beg you." He even got to his knees for the part, a flush climbing up my cheeks as I realized it was not a real raid.

"I'm so sorry." I bowed at the boy I'd taken a sword from to which he laughed it off and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Are you alright?"

"A-am I alright?" He eyed me with a growing smile before his captain interjected again.

"What do we have here? Can I get a name, miss?" He gently grasped my hand and placed a kiss on it, the similarities suddenly clicking for me and his somewhat estranged son.

"Maera.." I looked him over again, measuring his strength and glancing at the swords on his belt. "I hope you'll excuse my rudeness, Captain..?"

"Captain Christopher Jones, at your service." He pat Jackson's back who'd stepped forward as soon as I disarmed the boy earlier. "She the one?"

"That she is, that's Mihawk's apprentice." Jackson nodded and smiled proudly at my actions. "Didn't get trained for nothing, aye?"

I dipped my head in respect and walked to the food bar which was being both depleted rapidly and supplied to by a tall older woman who snapped at men who at without sitting down at the chairs and tables they bothered to set up.

It would take a fearsome woman to live among these men. I thought, her bellowing voice sending shockwaves and shivers down my spine.

"Hey you! Get some grub already, I wanna see some meat on yer bones by the end of tonight!" She suddenly pointed a finger at me and I hurriedly reached the table to take a plate from her thankfully. "And where, that blasted Jones! Give me my husband back, I ain't seen him in weeks!"

"Aye Love, I was just getting back to ya. How's my lady been?" Jackson asked with love in his eyes before she bonked him very hard with a pitcher of ale.

"You took my dishwasher! None of these lackeys want to wash the dishes like my boy did!" She snapped at him and he scratched his neck awkwardly, rubbing the bump forming on his head while she downed the alcohol like nothing.

"I'll give him back, I promise. Didn't you miss me at all?" He pouted before she shoved a huge plate of food in his hands and walked him to a seat, their loud, one sided conversation fading from my ears at last.

Seeing no apparent seat I could comfortably sit at, as all tables were filled with pirates I didn't know and the rowdy crowd hid my friends well, I headed to the last place I stood at and could claim for myself. The edge of the ship overviewing the moonlight lit water.

"Oy, do you mind the company, miss?" Jumping at the sudden voice, I turned and met the unknown person's face with a face full of food.

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