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Catching my breath at the side of a grungy building I huffed and struggled to hold in my anger. Gunshots echoed down the streets and some relief filled me when I noticed no terrorized civilians had been as unfortunate as I to be stuck in a place the marines raided.

A deep voice chuckled, shivers running down my spine and my blood running cold at the sound as loud thumps akin to someone's giant footsteps were all my terrified mind could focus on.

"I-it's...him! Get him!" A marine shakily shouted, their forces barely rallying against the mountainous figure that stood before them.

"Young ones have no respect for their elders nowadays, do they, swordswoman?" The Strongest man in the world laughed loudly at my expression, his focus never once on the marines but remaining on me. I thought I'd been carefully peaking around the side of the building but I suppose against observation haki it was..less than efficient.

Sweat beaded my neck and I barely mustered up my breath, much less a small smile for the strange man. Okay, how does one end up hiding in an alley way, being cornered by the marines and a infamous pirate like Whitebeard?


My mind raced with different questions but one thing kept me from panicking completely. The sun was barely rising so I had time to get back before Mihawk noticed, probably.

At an extra shiver that ran down my spine, I sweat dropped. He definitely knew something was up. I don't know how but..

I couldn't even take in the whole sight of the great pirate much less get my knees to stop knocking together so maybe I had bigger things to worry about, literally. Whitebeard was easily swiping marines left and right, but I still grew nervous as the hoard of them closed in on him.

Not sure how many of their men it took, but it seemed their officer thought of a new strategy and it was something akin to foul play.

One of the stronger small fries took a dagger and was sneaking up on the giant man while he effortlessly sent even their commander onto the ground. But several marines gathered up and I only imagined the worst, sharp swords digging into those broad but old shoulders.

As they finally made their move I sprung up faster than I thought was possible and evenly sliced their swords, the clank of the metal alerting Whitebeard who easily defeated those against him.

But as I guarded him, I found he'd already defeated the rest of his foes and as I sheathed the sword he picked me up with one hand to which I could only stare at him wide eyed.

"Excuse me sir, may I eat my burger?" I inquired quietly because I imagined as my last meal, I'd like to eat the rest of the smushed burger. Until I realized he wasn't applying the force he could have easily used to crush me.

At my words he physically paused then guffawed so loud it left ringing in my ears but surprisingly as scared as I'd been a moment ago, one look at those twinkling eyes and I knew for certain he wasn't going to hurt me, at least for now.

"What a funny girl. Polite too. Alright, we'll take you." He chuckled and my eyes widened at his words.

"Wait, what do you mean sir?" I asked, panicking again, my heart beating out of my chest.

I followed his gaze and saw a massive ship pulling up, like that of a great whale. What intimidated me most though, was the crowd of pirates residing on its deck. Setting me on his shoulder to clutch his coat like a sad bird, my gaze drifted over the crew as I tried to convince myself there was nothing to fear.

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