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For the first time since I'd been there I jumped at the sound of his voice and I turned to find him already walking away.

I grunted at his sneaky ways and trudged along to follow him into deeper woods before he turned quickly and a rush of air cut a hanging group of gathered leaves, startling some of those terrifying humanoid monkeys out of their hiding places.

Creeping closer to him to avoid even their fleeing figures he handed me the basket from the ground earlier and waited for me to open it.

"Eat." He spoke after a moment of my hesitation, as he headed away again. "I will be at the riverside."

I tried to suppress a chill from the thought of the river, but the sight in the basket definitely helped more.

Dusted with fresh sugar, four warm blueberry muffins greeting my eyes and I grabbed one to find it was the size of my hand almost. I ate pretty fast as I hated keeping anyone waiting but I think even if there wasn't a rush I'd have finished it quick. The staining berries were sweet and perfectly tart and it had been such a while since I'd had anything sweet.

Crunching fallen pine needles and assorted leaves underfoot, my worn boots hardly kept even pebbles from poking through but I was in expectation of what he thought up so the heavy fog and my worries faded into the background if only for the moment.

"Show me your best guarding stance." He commanded not wasting a moment.

I complied and met a very judging face, even for having no emotions his eyes said it all.

"Spread you feet further apart, square your shoulders a bit. Keep your arms closer to your body and loosen your muscles."

Trying again he actually felt the need to move my arms accordingly and I struggled to keep in the exact way he wanted me but at last he stood across from me reflecting the same pose.

He smells like testosterone. How I keep a straight face with such stupid thoughts astounds me.

"Throw a punch with all of your strength."

Tucking my fingers together and outstretching my arm I tried and found myself struggling to balance even though my shot was only aimed at the air.

"Your core is weak." He then threw a simple punch that blew strands of hair away from my face easily. "Come with me."

I gaped a bit at his skills, show off, but followed him near the river where he handed me a long pole of wood and guided my arms into a stance to start striking the air repeatedly.

"Place your legs in the same position as one you'd use to throw a punch but tightening your core muscles." He seemed pleased enough when I could do that. "Stop when I tell you."

This isn't so bad, the air smells nice. I thought for a moment but everything good went out the window when I realized he hadn't told me to stop after half an hour.

And then I suffered for hours striking the air until I thought my arms would fall off. But I didn't complain.

Aloud. I'd never let him hear me question him. I struggled to think outside the pain though as well and though I had no way of telling what time it was I felt the minutes melting away so very slowly. I think having students before me would have done him good, it feels like he's using me as a guinea pig to test how to teach someone his own crazy swordsman skills.

"You may now stop." He finally said and I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips. "Run ten laps around the castle."

I gave him one look to put all my crazy away and stalked away in the undergrowth, pole in hand. If I opened my mouth then I'd disrespect him too much and likely he could decide at the drop of a hat whether or not I could continue living and working at his own home.

I found the outer walls of the castle and used their massive height and mossy stones as a guide to start my laps which I was not looking forward to.

After my first three laps and burning legs on top of burning arms I passed an open window from the second story and Samuel stuck his head out.

"You running for your life there missy? He finally make ya snap or is the devil chasing after you?" He smirked and I stopped, wiping sweat from my brow and placing a hand on my hip.

"Mister, respectfully please do not start." I supported myself on my knees after a moment and stretched, my lungs straining with each breath. "I need moral support not a smart alec."

"Yes ma'am. Oi, don't tell him I stopped you or he'll take my head." After ogling me for a moment he suddenly drew his head back in and the window shut, but not before it fogged up from his breath and he left a heart in the now muggy window.

"Funny lad." I chuckled humorlessly and continued my run as fast as I could but found he timed me and the laps all took an almost shameful amount of time but I wasn't about to rush it either. I'd be the one dealing with any strained or torn muscles, not him. Tch. And my feet hurt like hell.

"Keep distractions at a minimum. The mind is as strong a tool as any fist." Mihawk commented at last and I took it as he had seen the one time I'd stopped, to speak with Samuel.

"Yes sir." I kept my words even more curt now before I could find my jellied legs to take me back to my room. I wish I hadn't but I'm sure I heard a ghost of a chuckle from the not even slightly sweaty Warlord.

"Poor princess, he's really running you now ain't he?" Samara tsked and rubbed my back before drawing her hand back quickly at the pool of sweat gathering at the crook of my back. "Eugh."

"You look a lot better than I thought you would. Me, I like my girls sweaty anyhow." I pushed away his suggestive, eyebrow wiggling face and stalked to my room but Samara took my back turned as an invitation.

As I opened the huge, dark oaken door she pushed it wider and whistled at the size of the room.

"What a sweet deal! I'd never have taken to the family business if I realized a maid position here would pay so well. What are you guys anyways?" Samara inquired as nonchalantly as she could, but she fidgeted with her hands and held her gaze at the walls and ceilings.

"You said it, I'm a maid. Maybe I've received an upgrade though it seems." I mused for a moment and she whipped her head around. "He said he wants to train me, seriously."

Her jaw hit the floor at my words and she grabbed my shoulders to shake me which I barely recovered from in the wake of the hellish morning to midday I'd had.

"You can't be serious. You guys aren't..."

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