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The air in my lungs stilled, I suppose he had literally taken my breath away.

He then provoked breathless laughter from me suddenly and I couldn't control it as it bubbled forth almost like the very rushing water behind me.

With eyes closed, there was no way I could have seen it. His expression in that very moment, but I almost flinched at the thought of the anger I surely inspired from my foolishness. I'd failed right? Maybe the cost was something more than behind jobless perhaps a mistake like this would cost my life.

He only continued to support me though and he finally spoke, his words startling me.

"You did better than I expected." He praised? Not sure, he never gave me a well done, a smile or anything of the sort one could think of as positive. But just now was a very big step for sure and I wasn't about to knock it. I did still have my head which I was fairly certain I would lose this very day.

"Can you..stand?" He almost hesitated in his inquiry but I then started profusely blushing before nodding my head yes and stepping away from him. "That is all for today."

At his words, he stalked into the forest and I couldn't help but eye the stone in his hand before he disappeared from view. It was almost like he wanted me to see it after all, oh but I jest. The situation was ridiculous and one could interpret that as romantic from afar.

Speak of the devil.

No sooner had I thought those very words then I heard a loud gasp leading to a bunch of choking coughs and I found myself looking at the silhouette of an entirely new girl who scurried away into the undergrowth. Just how many people are on this island I don't know of?

I dreaded whatever island gossip I just gave fuel to and hoped nothing bad happened of it before my legs gave way and my bottom landed harshly upon the river stones and various forest debris.

Anyone with an ounce of intellect would never in a million years disregard the respect Mihawk's title garnered and I knew in my own mind where we each stood. But it definitely didn't stop the burning dumpster fire I came back to when I finally reached the castle and there was all sorts of hushed talking leading right up to my own room! Indescribable annoyance filled me which I struggled to fight.

Luck was on my side when I found the commotion was outside my door but oh why did the pirates multiply? Three were bad enough now there was a grand total of six! Three of which were outside my door, the one place I was utterly hoping to collapse upon safely until the next day of work.

"Is this true, Mae? Have you gone and slept with the Warlord?" Samara demanded with such a conflict of emotions I almost pitied her. Almost.

"No but I quite respect you for ask-"

"Wow, I didn't think you'd actually have the balls to do it. Pardon me m'lady." Samara continued as if my response fell on deaf ears. "Oh my god you saw his-"

"Samara." I sternly and for the first time raised my voice towards her which finally got through. "Why, why, do you make me explain any further?"

At my disappointed words, her expression fell and the two apparently younger girls looked at me with wide eyes.

"What you saw, young lady," I directed a softer gaze to the brunette I'd spotted running away. "Was none of your business. And I hope to save you a lot of trouble because everything you've heard about that particular Warlord is true. He's crueler than the dead of winter."

Pin drop silence, again. In a room of living creatures is so haunting to me time and time again. It brought back unpleasant memories of my youth which I buried away one again before noticing the terrified expression of the younger girls and an almost defiant look on Samara's face.

"Now would anyone like some tea?" I chuckled inwardly at my own question.


"Aye, you know I've never known anyone with that habit for ice breakers. You're so disturbing Mae." Samara complained before sipping on tea and melting into a chair at a table in the kitchen as she watched me work.

The two other girls were not related to the 'twins', but were a part of Fireside Pirates. As far as my knowledge went, their story sounded a lot like "we heard Samara 'hated' working here so it sounded like fun." The brunette's name is Jane and her friend joint at the hip is Bella, a very whimsical and violet-haired girl.

"Oh he looks like he'd be a good lover though." Bella swooned at her own thoughts and I lifted an eyebrow before discarding her words.

"Who?" Jane inquired then suddenly slapped a hand over her mouth. "Oh. Oh."

"As I was sayin," Samara shot an annoyed glance towards the other girls as she suddenly got up to follow me around the kitchen before she fiddled with whatever she could get her hands on. "How do you do it? Every time, your timing is so off. Like when Cookie or Biscuit whatever his name is scratched me that one time and he actually drew blood, that hurt! And all you said was I should get going!"

"It was pitch black outside, how can you invite yourself to sleep in my bed? Your captain gave you a ship with lodging for a reason, so you didn't have to sleep in the castle." I tutted as I whipped air into batter to make muffins as I'd never lost the craving for another those weeks ago.

I'd already lost her attention though and she almost dipped a germs finger in the batter that I barely caught before handing her a tasting spoon.

"Oh have you heard? After you left the main ship, Samara, there's a ruckus out on the sea. Some guy who can control fire! Who would have though devil fruits were real?" Bella wondered aloud before Jane swatted her head.

"Our captain has a devil fruit, Bells." She shook her head as Bella murmured 'oh that's right.'

The day faded into evening and the thought crossed my mind then, I should inquire of a clock to keep track of time more efficiently. I finally sent the girls away with sweet treats and a promise I'd dress them up with the clothes I could find and clean from my own room.

Finally, peaceful quiet descended again in the castle, what was once a dead silence felt peaceful and I completed my chores before midnight for once, even sneaking in a meal for the cats and myself. I turned to walk out of the kitchen, the sweet clean scent of the dishes on my hands to contrast the grimy smell of my clothes when I saw his frilly sleeved attire.

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