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As I sprinted towards the sound, the familiar voice with fear I'd never heard before I shook off my fatigue and ran to the clearing before the castle.

The sight of her, my friend, dangling from such a high ledge was the most frightening thing I'd ever experienced.

For a moment, I felt a range of emotions all at once. Fear that petrified my very being, a will to rush into the situation if it meant she'd be safer sooner. But something overpowered my fight or flight, and it was surprisingly, reason.

I had a means I despised to use to save her, and I didn't know what it would mean to expose my secret but I did know the devastation her harm would bring.

Walking forward, I sensed familiar and weighty set of eyes watching my every move.

With a tremor in my hand I couldn't sense consciously I set forward regardless of the mud my feet sank into because I have resolved myself to not watch my friend die in such a foolish way. Her cries sank into my mind and I think I'd be unable to rest soundly forever if it was the last thing I heard from her.

Finally, I watched her hold loosen and all together slip away as she fell fast and hard for a moment and slowly the next, right into my awaiting arms. I was advised very much so not use my injured arm for carrying another being for a while but at the comforting squeeze I gave her, she instantly stopped crying.

After a moment of her stilling her breathing, she looked at herself and how I was carrying her and said something very important indeed.

"This is so romantic. I...I've never been carried like this before, I think I'm in love." She shakily joked before I put her down and supported her with a nod.

"So you're okay." I questioned, or stated. Now I was picking up on someone's bad habit, but it worked anyways and I provoked albeit some albeit nervous laughter before she stopped and eyed me seriously.

"What was that? I felt myself physically..slow down. Is that your.." I waited for her to finish her sentence but at the looming presence behind me she stopped speaking and gently took her hands out of mine. "I'll go see Mr. Jackson.."

After trailing off uncomfortably, she slipped away and I turned to look at him, but couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye.

"Gravity Manipulation. Is that your power?"

"Not exactly. I ate the pull pull fruit, meaning I can pull objects and people in any direction I please. I meant to tell you before you found out in this way." I shifted my weight and pressed my mouth in a line, wiping sweat from my brow unconsciously. "It's also known as the Hiku-Hiku no Mi."

"It's regrettable I didn't know sooner." He concluded before walking into the castle in a few long strides before I ran to catch up with him.



"You don't like it?" Sam inquired, seemingly disappointed at my reaction.

Examining the carcass and taking a whiff of it for a moment I still eyed it with a small frown. "Where did you even get this?"

"There was a trading ship a few hours into sea I caught eye of and they were selling animals of all kinds, I assure you it's fresh." He clasped a hand on my shoulder. "Plus we have a whole lot of fresh shrimp. Make us something nice?"

I sighed and contemplated the work I'd have cut out for me if I accepted. At my silence he suddenly brightened like he'd had an idea, which I was not overly fond of.

"I'll make some mixed drinks! We have a lot of tropical and fresh fruits from them as well, I promise mixed drinks are nothing like wine. Please?" At his pleads I finally gave in with a slight nod and he couldn't hide his delight. I could hear his humming for a while as he hauled in the rest of what he promised.

"You just about made him the happiest man today! Is there something I don't know about?" Samara smirked as she twirled a tendril of my hair around her finger.

"Mm." I shook my head and stuck a finger in her ear to her disgust. "We're having dinner together tonight. Should be fancy, he managed to get his hands on some red meat."

"Meat!" She grinned while giving me a big hug. "You're the best, I guess I'll have to be a little nicer today."

I shook my head at her and something occurred to me as I eyed the large goat carcass and fixed some tea for her and whoever walked into the kitchen, taking special care with a particular cup before I snuck out of the kitchen leaving Bella and Jane to celebrate over the news of dinner.

It's very nice to have the company of so many people but a quiet moment when you walk through the corridor is so rare nowadays, I've never had anyone as attached to me as Samara is. Not to mention the other girls as they only have so many chores.

And though I see him everyday, I still attempted to shake off the nerves I got when I knocked on his study door and walked in to set a tea cup on his desk.

After a sip he looked at me with a cold expression that was pretty standard but still sent chills up my spine at times.

"I feel perhaps, you have something to inquire of."

"I was hoping to inquire if I could possibly stowaway on the pirate's ship for a while. I may not be back in time for early training." I hardly dared to look at him after I requested such a thing. "Of course, it's only expected you make an appearance as well."

Of course he'd do this, make me agonize over his next words as he takes a downright dainty sip of the tea.

"I'll allow it. I must warn you though," He continued in a voice that made me nervous, my smile stopped at a strange smirk I imagined. "The humandrills, or baboons are going to make their move again soon. I hope I didn't train you for nothing, they have been watching us for a small while. I imagine they may get quite proficient in some of the skills I've taught you."

My widened eyes must have surprised him and I almost hung my head in shame as I turned my back on him.

"They're.." I almost lost the strength to continue what I was saying until I turned around though I wish I hadn't because then I had to see his expression as I said this. "They're called baboons?"

Before he could answer I bowed and had to resist covering my face shamefully. "Forgive me sir, I'll be on my way. Thank you!"

I am so very fortunate for each disrespectful time I dare to run from him, he never attempts to stop me for I'd simply die of embarrassment if he did. Losing my composure over thoughts like that may cost me a finger if I continue to do that with a sharp kitchen knife in my hand.

Finally, though I might want to sleep more instead, dinner was done delightfully. I didn't notice as I stirred and salted the goat stew, kept an eye on the men I'd enlisted to make the shrimp skewers, the downright evil face of Samara as she perfectly concocted a sweet punch and almost completely concealed the insane alcoholic percentage she'd put in it.

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