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A/N: this is way more than I expected, I don't know what to say other than thank you sincerely for 1k reads. thank you so much <//3 I'll continue to upload and edit any mistakes I find, hope you enjoy!

On knees I no longer found stable, I vaguely felt myself following Mihawk automatically but his strides were somewhat bigger and definitely more even.

Stumbling once, I caught myself on a tree's pine sap ridden trunk, continuing without a care. Another time I took a tumble with fortunately no extra harm but Mihawk's silhouette was easily swallowed by the forest and I lost sight of him. The last time I fell I scraped my knee so badly I limped forward with this ridiculous notion that I should dig the debris out of the bleeding wound.

Yelping in alarm at a frog that had jumped my way I fell over and gave up, sitting with my back to another tree trunk with a vague sense of deja vu.

"I can't p..possibly go on now. It's okay though, it's not raining right now." I reasoned in a low murmur, a deep sigh resonating from a figure that had returned to find my sad display.

"Are you hurt, drunken student?" He inquired in an unamused manner as I suddenly snapped my head up, startled to hear him. The instant I saw his funnily shaped mustache and beard(?) though I went into a fit of giggles.

"Hehe I...hurt my leg. Can't go on." I barely got out, closing my eyes as if to sleep before waking myself up with the rattle of inappropriate laughter in my lungs.

"Do you require assistance, madam?" I clasped my hands together at that and probably gave him the stupidest grin in the suddenly scary sounding night. The crickets had stopped chirping and a chill ran down my spine I shook off, happy he offered to help.

"Yes..it's quite dark out isnt it?" I answered happily, hyper focused on the safety I associated with him.

He didn't reply for a moment and I examined his boots and attire in the silence, appreciating the view.

"I can give you five minutes to stand up and shake the alcohol off before the humandrills decide to challenge you." He answered to my dismay. A stupid idea came to mind though and I got up to limp in the direction of the ships and dock again.

"I'm tired. Okay, I know someone that'll help me to bed." I nodded, barely getting a few steps away when I tripped again and Mihawk finally swooped me up with a small sigh. Surprised at his repeated actions, I gaped for a moment before I gathered my thoughts.

"Oh, I was talking about Sam."

"It's hard for you to say thank you, isn't it?" He stated after a while and I barely brought myself out of my drowsy haze to answer him.

"Thank you, Sir." And I fell asleep to the smell strong smell of petrichor, herbs, and a vague scent of spices. Who knows though, maybe it was cologne.


At even the smallest ray of light, a sudden pounding ensued in my head and I stretched to my painful regret because even slight movement made my headache worse.

Groaning in a very unladylike manner, I felt myself slide off the bed to throw up in someone else's bathroom, the fact not sinking in until I clutched the side of the porcelain with a disgusting taste in my mouth.

Since holding my head down was the only way I'd keep some dignity and it made the headache lessen, when I heard his boots on the cold stone floors I kept my head down.

"I'm..terribly sorry, I've never been unable to hold my liquor like this." I lamely whispered almost fearing I'd gone unheard until he gave a quiet hmm.

"We will resume training in two days. Clean yourself up and come have something to eat." He responded and paused for a moment. "You may wish to check your room after breakfast."

I almost groaned at the thought of whatever was awaiting me in my bed but before that maybe food would be nice. I don't feel like a maid anymore, after getting drunk and neglecting my duties for well over a week.

Barely dragging myself out of the bathroom after washing my face and doing some other things like taking a shower because I stank like alcohol and smoke, I sat myself up at the side table near the bed and forced myself to take a spoonful from a steaming bowl of rich beef broth with a boiled egg halved, noodles piled at its base and onions.

I almost coughed at the unexpected spice but it was so delicious I finished it in albeit a long while, but when I thought I'd never eat again it was incredible I could hold it down. Still had a headache that occasionally made me nauseous though.

Exiting the room with the plate and bowl in hand, I was startled by the presence of Mihawk in the kitchen but I'm proud that I didn't flinch that hard.

"I sincerely cannot thank you enough for letting me steal your room from you once, much less twice. Maybe in a thousand years I'll repay my debt." I mused, giving a small chuckle at the ridiculous thought before placing the dish in the sink and washing the rest of them.

"Perhaps we've never spoken of how serious a matter it is that you are my apprentice. It's much less trouble than you think, to give you a bed to rest on, when we are in such a relationship." He replied after a moment to my surprise.

"I suppose I've never asked what being your apprentice entailed, I only foolishly accepted." I hesitantly spoke, before finishing with this. "With utter respect, I only ask you assist me by saying the word. I will do whatever you ask."

A strange and weighty silence followed while I attempted to comfort myself by cleaning the kitchen but the empty room filled with clanks and shuffling by my own feet only that was usually normal felt..awkward.

"I take my leave. If you make tea, please bring me a cup." He finally stated at last, a breath released that I hadn't known I'd been holding.

After waiting a few minutes I finally worked up the nerve to leave the kitchen and start my ascent to my room, admiring the artwork around the castle for once and making note of all the cobwebs I'd have to sweep up.

Resigning myself to my fate after failing to anticipate what I'd find in my room, I marched up the stairs in a gravely fashion hoping nothing was terribly wrong.

Pushing open the door with some impatience, I almost reeled at the foul smell of vomit on the ground right in front of the door.

Holding my breath I examined the scene. My bed, not very tidy at all like how I'd left it and with a smear of throw up on it's usually pristine white edge. And the artist, sprawled out like she owned the room with the cats hissing as she stirred and attempted to pet them.

sorry for late update, thanks for reading 🙏

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