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Upon the taste hitting my tongue I barely held it in my mouth, my own dignity worth more than my hatred of wine.

At my grimace, Samara exploded in laughter and it didn't take long for Samuel to follow. I rolled my eyes with a poorly concealed smile and swallowed before an even bigger grimace took over.

Samara pounded my back and chortled in my ear before I shrugged her off and gave her a small smile, eyeing their empty plates and the crumbs lining the empty bread basket.

"Anyone want seconds?" They gave me my answer with a resounding yes and the foolish question of their enjoyment dissolved on my tongue as I stood up with Samuel on my heels to help me carry the old dishes out.


I needed no excuse to leave as drunk as they had gotten but I crept out politely anyways. My work was stacking up but beyond that I wanted to check on something. On someone.

Not wanting to go empty handed, the herbal mix I'd poured steaming hot water over was powerfully scented but I found its effect was relaxation. The small tea tray I held rattled in the cold air of the castle and I almost wondered if he'd already gone to sleep.

I pushed forward though and as I peered into his pristine study, I spotted him with a lone candle, eyes closed.

Holding my gaze to the table in front of him filled with books and papers as to set the tray carefully, I tilted my head ever so slightly to examine his still, relaxed features before shame filled my mind and I backed away and headed for the door.

"Thank you, be sure to get ample rest even if it means leaving the kitchen in disarray." My soul just about jumped out at his words filling the space and I barely managed a meek 'you're welcome and thanks' before exited the room, lips pursed and heart pounding.

Oh, how does he manage that each time? I became annoyed with myself before eyeing the darkness outside and rushing back to the dining room.

What greeted me was a note though, and all the dishes were...at least they were in the kitchen. Even if others were scattered on the floor. I already made up my mind though and I barely carried myself up to my room to collapse on my bed.

Before fell asleep, cats crawling on top of my chest and sprawled on my body, I vaguely remember reading the note and it specifically saying, "sorry for leaving without a bye, we'll be back. sorry for stealing from you!" Whatever that meant.

I found out exactly what that meant when I woke up with a pile of necklaces and rings I didn't even know where in the room appeared on the side table. And large hazel green eyes sleepily watching me wake up.

A hand clasped over my mouth as I almost let out a yelp and she shushed me loudly and waited a moment for my heart beat to stop echoing in both of our ears.

"Your hand smells." I then stated, wiping my mouth with a rag at the nasty sour scent of her hand.

"A toad peed on me earlier." She replied with a shrug, and I frowned before heading to the bathroom to clean my face.

As I splashed cool water on my face and woke myself up more fully I thought absentmindedly of the chores I'd do today. Training firstly. At least it would be absentminded thoughts but Samara created no such peaceful environment and she complained about my lukewarm reactions, berated my cats.

It was like having a sibling I didn't ask for. Mm.

She followed me through each corridor again and held onto my arm but I didn't mind, warmth was a very nice feeling in the chilly mornings. I eyed the gloomy darkness of the sunless sky through the large windows and suddenly quickened my pace to meet my teacher, er, employer? He hadn't asked me to call him anything of the sort.

I will call him as I have from the beginning. I made up my mind a we walked up on his study, where Samara reluctantly let go of my arm and disappeared downstairs.

I had barely laid eyes on the room when his eyes met mine from his chair and he set a fountain pen down, gracefully blotting on its sharp edge before corking an ink bottle.

"Good, you're on time. Meet me at the river in thirty minutes, it appears.." He paused for a moment, then traced letters on the page he'd written before continuing. "I've been negligent."

"Yes sir. Thank you." As I ducked out of the room, he then called and asked me something most unexpected.

"If you find the time, I would appreciate that tea you make." I nodded with a faint smile on my lips before hurrying down to the kitchen.

Half an hour goes by mighty quickly when you're scrubbing dishes, floorboards, and running up castle floors. I don't mind though, it keeps me in motion and sleep comes all to easily.

I found myself striking the air again this fine morning until my arms wanted to fly off. I did so for another two weeks, until one day when I almost dreaded that invisible pathway to the river, I found him standing there.

With a sword. That massive, impending doom-style sword. All my willpower went into walking then, like a sheep to slaughter, his emotionless face not telling me what he had in store.

The last week, I'd found out most days when they could, the brother and sister duo tried their utter best to spy on the training sessions. I told them just yesterday I suspected he suspected they were there, if not he was completely aware of their presences. The sharp glare he sent to the cluster of trees today I'd walked by confirmed my hypothesis.

At least it was the most obvious look he'd given them that I'd caught.

Oh, you'd like to hear the hypothesis?

If you are foolish, then you may not live to see the next day, like my dearest pirate friends. I pursed my lips holding in a chuckle and then steeled myself to face him.

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