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Catching my breath on the side of a tree, I looked down at my outfit and was surprised by my own reaction. It was uncontrollable, just a strange animalistic growl of frustration at how pretty my skirts and blouse were. Not to mention, they don't tell you in the slums that new shoes give you blisters if they're not used a few times!

I kept running though and a pit developed in my stomach at a slow coming thought.

I had no weapon. No way of fighting him back and he knew that! In fact, as I dodge a swing that could easily cut atoms for all I knew, I peered into his face once and he looked to be smirking with audacity that made me bite my lip to stop from yelling curses at him.

As a means of surviving, I've ran my share of miles in my life. I've stolen food to live, I've ran away from fights all my life all the necessary things. Nothing has made me as angry as this man could make me.

I've always wanted to live, I thought vaguely as I stretched out my hand and struggled like I'd never before as an idea came to mind.

But have I always been this determined to win? I asked myself, a sharp object flinging through the trees as I grabbed hold of my katana and turned on my heels to clash with Yoru.

Gritting my teeth at his effortless push against me that left a foot of mine unsteady to the point I thought I'd fall, I pushed back and strained my arm, torso, and leg muscles at the effort it took to fight against him before I gradually felt more power build in me and a wave of admiration swept through me along with more frustration.

My eyes widened at the realization. Those were not my emotions.

In the corner of my eye, after we'd pulled back to fall into that foot work and came up against each other again I spied his knuckles actually turning paler in some effort to push against me. I felt my stamina giving out and my muscles begged me to give in but in one last attempt I used my power once more and pulled his sword away from mine before I swept my leg out in everything I had to knock him down.

And to absolutely no surprise, it didn't work.

My attempt failed and he smiled a moment before turning my own move against me and knocking me down in a fluid motion, my breathless lungs moving me to breath as deep as I could before still holding my blade up to fight his as he stood over me. Pursing my lips at the effort and the pounding gathering in my head behind my eyes I refused to give up even as my arms holding my katana shook.

"Do you give in?" He tauntingly inquired, leaning ever so slightly forward with his sword unwavering.

I paused for a moment, neglecting to answer him at all after a moment before I swung my legs one last time to try to straddle him to the ground.

In less than a moment, he had Yoru tucked away disarmed me, my sword falling to the ground with a clang as yes, I did straddle him but no I definitely did not win.

"I..give in." I reluctantly answered, my arms captured by his as he held both my arms to prevent me from falling back onto the ground again. I'd struggled once but his grip was vice-like and his expression was cold.

"How do you plan to get down now?" He..teased me!? I think I gaped in shock before looking about in an almost wild manner to look for an escape and I frowned, chewing on my inner cheek.

At his hands sliding lower to hold my waist I flushed and barely got a word out before he placed me on the ground easily, my hands immediately going to a tree trunk as I held myself up and calmed my breathing because it was quite embarrassing to be the only one breathing loudly.

"Do you think you have improved?" He inquired after a moment as I brushed dirt and pine needles from my clothes.

"Perhaps a little." I answered stubbornly, picking up my sword and dusting off its blade, obviously ignoring his gaze and analyzing eyes.

His teaching skills are inhumane to this day! I wish I could say I didn't believe it, but as I look at him I suppose he's not the type to suddenly change.

"Would you be so kind as to lead us back to the castle?" I requested as politely as I could, following him while trying to dismiss how'd I'd suddenly felt his emotions earlier. To some degree, he actually admired me.

My observation haki was not as good as I suspect the both of us wanted, but it'll have to do for now as my instincts protected me well enough from the duel for a few minutes. I kept eyeing his back warily as now it felt like it was only a matter of time before he jumped me again and he slowed his pace so I walked next to him instead.

"It was an admirable strategy. I suggest a different approach though, as your size and stature is not in favor of such actions." He spoke after what I now interpreted as thoughtful silence was broken.

"I have much more to learn, I hope you will forgive my earlier statements. I did not mean to insult you." I stated uneasily, feeling awkward for the first time in a while.

"You..it is no fault of yours, I suppose, but you apologize in excess."

My gaze focused on that mirage of beautiful plants, I thought of how unkindly people would speak to me and how even when I apologized it wasn't enough. I know deep down that isn't what he's trying to say but it..for the time being will come off to me that way.

"Perhaps. Thank you for your time, Mihawk. I will see you at dinner time, then." I dismissed myself and hurried inside, barely remembering to pick up those books for later though I didn't know if I'd ever have enough time to read them.

After the tension left my body slowly as I walked through the halls leading back to my room, my foot suddenly ached so much I thought perhaps I'd rubbed it raw after all the running I did. But I had bigger problems, one in particular starting with an S.

"Samara?" I warily knocked on my own bedchamber's door before I opened it and found the floor a great deal cleaner than I left it and I sighed with relief before I spotted Samuel cleaning behind my bed where, surprise surprise, Samara really did leave a trail of throw up down the wall. "Oh my goodness Sam, I'm so sorry! Where's your devilish sister?"

"Aye miss, don't worry about it. I'm glad you're okay, I was really worried. Samara has cooked up stuff that's made our best men hungover for days." He shuddered at the thought. "She's down in the kitchen, said something about helping cook."

I dreaded what she did in the kitchen. Poor girl, I know that's her dream and I suppose I'll try to have more faith in her though.

"I know, I was thinking the same thing." He murmured and dipped a mop into some..very dirty water. "Anyway, you look a little beat up. Mihawk wouldn't beat up on a hungover lady right?"

I gave him a look and he did a double take as I sat down and took off my shoes to rub my blisters and rub dried mud off my legs.

"It's not as bad as it looks. I've had worse." Rubbing the scarring skin of the old wound I received from Mihawk on my arm, I suddenly got up not before Samuel bandaged my blisters though and gave me thicker, wooly socks. As I examined a spray of freckles across his nose and his intriguing hazel eyes, we fell into a comfortable silence as we do when he's bandaging my wounds.

My eyes suddenly flicked to a rickety old bell and its incessant ringing and I eyed it with confusion for a moment before Sam chuckled.

"Alright then, I think that's our queue to head to the kitchen."

an: thanks for reading! sorry for the slow updates, I've been feeling a bit of writer's block. please vote if you enjoy the story and comment on any improvements I can make, thanks for yall's time!

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