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Catching my breath at the side of a grungy building I huffed and struggled to hold in my anger. Gunshots echoed down the streets and some relief filled me when I noticed no terrorized civilians had been as unfortunate as I to be stuck in a place the marines raided.

A deep voice chuckled, shivers running down my spine and my blood running cold at the sound as loud thumps akin to someone's giant footsteps were all my terrified mind could focus on.

"I-it's...him! Get him!" A marine shakily shouted, their forces barely rallying against the mountainous figure that stood before them.

"Young ones have no respect for their elders nowadays, do they, swordswoman?" The Strongest man in the world laughed loudly at my expression, his focus never once on the marines but remaining on me. I thought I'd been carefully peaking around the side of the building but I suppose against observation haki it was..less than efficient.

Sweat beaded my neck and I barely mustered up my breath, much less a small smile for the strange man. Okay, how does one end up hiding in an alley way, being cornered by the marines and a infamous pirate like Whitebeard?


"My poor Mae! C'mon, it'll be fun. We'll be back before he realizes it." Samara swung an arm over my shoulders and I frowned in reply, cleaning my katana carefully directed away from her.

"That's not funny."

"Don't be like that! We'll be watching over you, don't worry! We already know what happens to people who displease, much less take things from Mihawk." She winked and I shrugged her arm off to no avail.

"Please Samara, if this goes wrong even a little bit there's a huge chance.."

"Chance of what? Him successfully trapping you on this little island forever, never once admitting any feelings for one another? Bleh!"

"He's not trapping me!"

"Is too."

"And this is supposed to make me want to go?"

"Please, Mae. I..won't go without you. I just wanted to see the island's culture before my captain takes me away forever which is a long time by the way!" She didn't pout, didn't whine. It made her tug at my heartstrings all the more so. "I promise ye it's not far, especially with our ship tearing up the sea. It'll just take a night, then we'll be back for your little thing you have with that guy."

"Okay okay, just for a night. Curses, you've used my deep affection for you for evil!"

"What do you mean! Anyways, have no idea how happy I am. Besides, really, what could go wrong?"


A whole lot apparently! It wasn't like this in the beginning though, it was truly something to be onboard a pirate ship for so long. They sang a bit less than I thought and drank a whole lot more than I thought. It was fun anyways, even in the smells weren't fun all the time.

We left so late I rubbed sleep from my eyes, donning another black corset Samara dug out of my closet, a frilly top with mid length sleeves, and a long, flowing skirt so deeply scarlet I thought it was black. At least the clothes were surprisingly lighter than I thought they'd be.

"Has anyone ever told you how you may suit another profession, lass?" Sam inquired, stroking an imaginary beard while openly ogling my outfit.

"Eh, I've been told I could be a school teacher."

"Bleh, no no that's so boring. But strangely I do see it." Samara rolled her eyes and I pinched her cheeks to which she retaliated and pinched my own with double the strength with enough force to draw tears from my eyes.

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