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"Who are you?" I retorted, backing away from the brash boy. At first glance he may give you the impression he was grown up but he was anything but. "You have some manners, yes?"

"Eh? What're those for?" He genuinely looked confused as to what the word 'manner' was.

"You might make friends more easily if you have them." I rolled my eyes at his words and tried to calm my heart. I'm fine, I was not almost burnt to a crisp. Maybe I was being a little harsh to him but what a dangerous power for someone like him to hold.

"Have what?"

Seeing as I was getting no where fast I looked around for a means of escape and an idea came to mind.

"Excuse me." I murmured before briskly walking to Whitebeard's side as nonchalantly as possible. He was speaking with several other people so I'd have to wait before I could speak with him but as his crew referred to him as 'father' or 'pops' I felt a little more at ease.

"Yes my daughter?" It took me a moment to realize he was addressing me and I bowed, the very presence of him was immense and I couldn't get used to it like Mihawk's presence. Maybe it was haki I was sensing but there was pressure in my head down my spine when I got too close, and it's probably why I thought he was crushing me for a moment when he..picked me up earlier.

"May I help your cook in the kitchen, sir?" I eagerly inquired and he gave a wide smile at my request.

"Make yourself at home, I'm sure Thatch will like your help."

"One more thing," I turned back around after almost leaving and I stated more quietly. "You know of Mihawk's apprentice right?"

At the thoughtful look on his face and his unreadable eyes I dreaded his words,  if he maybe had anything of the sort against Mihawk it wouldn't be a good idea to stay on his ship much less tell him of my involvement with him.

"Quiet man, he is. To have an apprentice and a girl at that, was surprising. But I see why now and I know he wouldn't have ordinarily let you leave. Do you have any reason to be out on the sea, daughter?"

"I can't think of one. As long as I've been living I've only wanted to get by, live to the next day." I wish I could have answered his sincere question with a better answer. "There are things I want to know but I'm not sure if it's in my power to know those things."

"You're like an empty vessel. I like that. Some people are overfilled with dreams that inspire others with those dreams. But you inspire me to look deeper than even that." He chuckled, an amused look in his eyes. "Maybe that's easy for an old man like me to say as I've achieved my dream and more. Empty vessels are good for all sorts of things, I trust you'll find your calling."

I wanted to ask him more but other people pined for his attention, a kimono bearing man with a grim look on his face approaching.

Dreams are nice but maybe I should have asked him where the kitchen was. I frowned, massive deck spanning so far it might have really been a whale.

After a few moments I walked to the edge of the deck and looked out to the shining water. It would have been reassuring the have my katana so I attempted to summon it again but after five minutes of standing and looking out to the sea longingly it might have looked like I missed someone dearly.

"Hello, I'm Thatch. You must be the guest of our Captain, nice to meet you." A man with chestnut colored hair smiled kindly at me, his white uniform reminding me of what I'd just asked his captain about.

"Oh hello, I'm Maera. I hope you don't mind but I'd like to help you in the kitchen if that's possible."

He sweat dropped at my request and I tilted my head, waiting for an explanation of his expression.

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