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I set plates at the large dining table that went largely unused and fetched wine bottles since I figured the pirates would be enjoying the drink as I'd often seen at my last job. And the master of the house finished a bottle a day usually, leaving the kitchen in need of a restock too often.

Why do I find myself so embarrassed of making a fool in front of him? His reaction wasn't even that bad. I found myself putting wine glasses down with a harsh clang and decided to forget about the matter entirely after that.

It wasn't hard to do since I'd suddenly realized I left the rolls in the oven moments before I smelled their burnt cry for help.

The heat of the oven caressed numb skin through the long sleeves of my dress and I hadn't realized a chill settled in the castle. Even the warmth through the oven mitts was welcomed.

Taking in the buttery scent of the rolls before wrapping them up in cloth, I went to fetch the pirates and along the way I found the Warlord in his usual large chair reading some large Shakespearean book.

"Excuse me." A little shock went through my spine at his eyes turning to me "I've come to fetch you for dinner."

He nodded, setting the large book down and adjusting his shirt and sliding on a coat as I then bowed and started to head towards the last place I'd remembered seeing any of the pirate crew he'd enlisted.

I don't even know what their orders are how could I possibly-? My thoughts completely derailed when he held a hand out to stop me mid step.

"Take care of anything else you have to do, I will handle the rest."

Closing my mouth I simply nodded and headed in the direction of my room with nothing in particular nagging my attention. I smoothed flour out of the uncovered bodice if the dress and tried to gather my thoughts as I opened the door to my room only to swallow a yelp at a figure sprawled on my bed playing with the kittens.

Well I'm not sure if I'd call combating their hostile hisses and growls playing but Samara seemed to be having fun.

"To what do I owe the leisure?" I inquired, Alice running over to caress my legs and stare at Samara whilst fluffing her fur up.

"Aye, since you were busy I thought you wouldn't come back anytime soon and boy was I right. What were you doin, scrubbing each individual stone of the castle floors?" She inquired jokingly and got close to petting Biscuit before a sharp claw of his snagged the edge of her callused hand causing her to snatch her hand back.

"I was making dinner, would you do me the honor of joining me?" Her wide smile said it all and she finally reluctantly gave up trying to befriend the cats..for now.

"Do you want a coat? It's freezing in here." Pulling on a dark brown coat she eyed my long, now somewhat dirty sleeves and I frowned.

"That's a good idea. Keep the coat, it looks good on you." I pat the nice quality of the material and grabbed a black, lined coat after musing for a moment.

As we walked through the hallways to get to the dining room I plucked a spiderweb off Samara's shoulder and she clutched my arm, apparently thanking me.

What did he want earlier? Aye if only I could read minds. I sighed and then found I'd had enough of a troubled expression that she sensed my concern and stared at me long before I'd noticed.

"You're so cute." She started to pinch my cheek as we walked through the doorway and I swat her hand away, annoyed at the display especially since the room already had two chattering figures who eyed us amused.

"Aw no fair, she skimped on work to make friends with you." Samuel pouted and Samara got thoroughly told off for doing just that.

As she started pulling on his cheeks harshly and he retaliated in his own way, Jackson started drinking straight from one of the wine bottles and discarded the wine glass in front of him to which I stood up and excused myself to prepare to serve the food.

A tall figure greeted my eyes in the dimly lit kitchen and I lit up another lantern on the wall to brighten the space.

I feel as if my heart should get used to these jumpscares that regularly greet me throughout the day. I scolded myself as my heart jumped at his appearing.

"Can I expect you to join us or should I serve you in your study?" I inquired as I started to serve dishes and fished the rolls from the warmer to place them in a basket.

"I will join you if only to watch the rowdy new comers." He paused and a simper graced his face before letting the moment go completely and excusing himself.

As soon as I'd walked in the door with plates staked all along my arm, a whoop greeted my ears and Samuel looked at me awestruck before Jackson nudged him to help me out.

"You didn't have to do that." I chided as he set down the plates in their respective places, sauce dotting the previously clean edges of the plates but his warm smile making me roll my eyes and accept his help.

I brushed my hands off before entering the dining room again and sitting next to Samara, bits of food already on the table as they ate with no table manners whatsoever but I was very glad they liked it at all. As soon as I'd sat down for more than the few moments of rest I'd had all day, my exhaustion crashed down on me though and I ached all over.

Watching their banter for a few minutes I felt my eyelids start to droop before I looked up at the details on the wall trim and the thick velvet drapes of the curtains at the window and forced myself to count them for a while.

"This is just sad." Someone finally brought me back to the land of the living with a tut.

Puzzled at Samara's words directed to me, I only gave her a confused blink before she shoved a wine glass I had on purpose not given myself and she filled it with a little too much wine.

"Can't have fun without a bit of juice hm?" Samuel egged on, his own glass empty for but a moment before he filled it again, but I looked up to notice the wine glass his sister had handed me was from the now strangely absent seat of Mihawk's.

At least he took his dinner...where did he disappear to though? I wondered vaguely whilst eyeing the wine glass now in my hand with mild distaste before swishing it around and setting my lips to the rim.

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