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Crashing through my door with increasing urgency I hurried to check on something very important that'd slipped my aching mind.

"Alice! Biscuit!" I called before seeing them lounging on my bed without a care in the world, looking as healthy as they had before I'd left.

I tried my best to tidy up my space and clean myself up to head to Mihawk's study again. There was all sorts of debris on the floors, and my bathroom looked like it'd been in some sort of use though I'd left it clean before I'd left with the Fireside pirates.

Before I had carefully, and I mean very carefully started to take off my yukata, there was a sudden knock on the door that I absentmindedly answered and continued my painfully slow process of changing.

So in the wake of silence save for the quiet rustling of the silky fabric, I looked up to find Mihawk standing against the doorway observing me so quietly I'd forgotten anyone had even knocked at the door. I'd only realized when Biscuit's tail starting fluffing up and lashing back in forth in defense.

"I'm terribly sor- excuse me, have I taken too long?" I inquired with a furrowed brow after I cleared my throat lightly, trying to ignore the rising heat in my cheeks before I set down my tired arms.

"Not at all. In fact," He closed the door as he spoke before taking a seat in an armchair near the window I wasn't sure was entirely comfortable for a man his size. "I should give you this information away from prying ears."

"Ah, excuse me, I'll listen to you through the closet doors then." I dipped my head before rushing to the closet and starting the aching process again.

Even with the doors somewhat shut, his voice wasn't muffled if only slightly.

"It's my understanding Orion delivered both the antidote and the poison. There isn't a clear motive, but he could covet your position as a student of mine." He spoke again and I clenched my hands on the fabric at his words, sucking in a breath when I moved my shoulder against a hanger at the shooting pain.

"And..Samara's Father?"

"He might have been in contact with Whitebeard's crew at one point but it's my understanding he's deeper in the grand line. You might have noticed it but right now, Whitebeard does not house prisoners or enemy pirates in his custody on the Moby Dick."

"Oh I see. He might have done it on purpose then..I mean it doesn't really add up that a pirate with a position like that would be taken away and not be able to find his way back..." Clearing my throat again I waited for his voice to come again to no avail, before a sigh that dissolved into shivers at the throbbing heat in my head as my fingers tightly grasped at the fabric wrapping my bare, uninjured shoulder.

"Are you ill, Maera?" His voice sounded from directly behind the doors, a hand on my shoulder and another on the doorknob as I shook my head.

"No..I don't think so." I slurred slightly, attempting again to pull the tight fabric down before hissing at the pain as it pulled at the swollen skin around the burn.

I felt hot but that was normal right? The silk material is so thick I should have it off already..

As the doors opened, I rested my head against Mihawk's chest, my strangely heavy breaths feeling loud in the midst of his silence.

"I think it's just hot in here. Or it's my headache." I murmured against his cape before leaning away and sinking against the dresses and other clothing hanging in the closet before saying very clearly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.."

I almost finished my sentence but he cradled my head gently, placing a cold hand against my feverish forehead with a deep breath.

"You're unwell. Rest, and I thought I told you.." His words seemed quieter than before, as he leaned close and fanned my hot face with his cool breath. "Not to say sorry so often. You don't seem to listen very well..will you even rest?"

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