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If it'd only been a day, why had it felt so long? I couldn't wrap my head around the feeling. Or maybe I'm just trying to escape the scary atmosphere Mihawk was giving off.

"Would you speak with me for a moment?" He requested in such a way I definitely couldn't refuse, but a prying set of ears in particular concerned me. Which was apparently unfounded since Ace wandered away on his own with only a spare wink my direction, whatever that meant.

"Yes of course sir." I followed him for a moment before realizing we were only going towards the nearest wooden rails which the nearest pirates vacated immediately.

"The transponder snail, where is it?" Mihawk asked with that knowing tone, like he was aware of everything he was about to ask already. And to my dismay of course I'd lost it a long time ago, probably as far back as in one of the alley ways I'd run through.

"I lost it." I admitted easily and shamefully. Without a word he reached in his...coat? And brought out the missing snail without missing a beat.

"It was interesting, to say the least, when I received a call from two different people claiming they had both lost and found you." I could have swore he gave a humorless chuckle but I was focused on his words for now. "You've fought lately."


"You're burnt. Did someone manage to best you on this short venture to sea?"

"Technically, no. I promise I wouldn't sully your name in such a way that quickly." I teased lightly, breathing in the salty sea air and feeling the tender ache in my shoulder. "Who called you? If you don't mind me asking."

"The first commander." He answered, the sun dipping entirely below the horizon and darkening the sky with deep oranges and reds. "I have a lead on who that child was speaking to that night, the one who poisoned you both."

My head turned in his direction so fast I had to ignore the pain in my muscles before he walked away to sit next to Whitebeard at a now separate table, a wine bottle and glass awaiting him.

"Hmm." I made a frustrated sound before almost rolling my eyes as I noticed Thatch break up a fight between Ace and another steaming crewmate.

"Oi! Kira!" Marco motioned me over and sat me down at a table with the rowdiest guys I could think of, Ace and his shoving copious amounts of food in his mouth before falling asleep mid bite and Blackbeard apparently cheating in poker, his crewmates growing increasingly upset. "So you weren't lying, yoi. That guy really knows you huh?"

"In a way." I picked up a fried shrimp sushi roll and ate with bliss for a moment. "He's worse than the rumors say."

At my absentminded comment Marco gave a laugh and Ace raised his head, rice and all sorts of ingredients stuck to his face before he started wiping them off with someone's shirt, his eyes curiously finding mine.

"Too bad he showed us what would happen if we spread any rumors about you." He groaned, stretching and yawning.


"His observation haki works in an..interesting way to say the least, yoi." They gave a small glance at Mihawk who would've made a great stone statue as he never moved except for wine and he didn't seem to be affected by Whitebeard's good mood.

Did my eyes deceive me or did they look disappointed at not being fighting Mihawk?

Shaking off my thoughts because it led to me very intently staring at him, I felt a pair of eyes but apparently turned far too slow to catch Ace in the act.

"You got something to ask me?" I murmured offhandedly as I sipped and took in the scent of the saki in my cup. It was strangely a refreshing clean taste.

"Why? Did I look like I had something to ask?"


"Oh. Well-"

"How'd you end up working for Mihawk, Kira-yoi?" Marco intercepted with a curious glance up from his plate before he pushed it away.

"It's a strange story. But it's also long and boring." I smiled at the thoughts that came with those words though.

"Can't be any worse than talking about how I completely beat your earlier in sparring." Ace matched my smile before I lifted an eyebrow at his laugh.

"Yeah after the first eighteen times you lost."

"It was not eighteen! I can count and it was not nearly that much. Wait I wanna hear the story now." Ace suddenly somehow interrupted himself and I gave a snort at that.

So told them even the embarrassing parts, maybe leaving out now I got to Kiraigana and the memories of Mihawk that crossed my mind and flushed my face. Just the usual details and they racked their brains trying to recall if they heard of anyone by the name of Orion.

"Did we see him in the News coo that one week?"

"No that was an O'Brien. I think. So Kira, are you going to come back to us when you get stronger?" Marco inquired with a smirk at my almost offended reaction. "You'd be competition to us Commanders easily. Ace you'd better watch your back, yoi."

"It's Maera, Marc. And maybe if you give me a commander spot right now." I teased with a smile as I swirled the sixth serving of sake in the small almost empty cup. "Yes...if you do that maybe I won't have to leave at all.."

"Hmm..maybe." He furrowed his brow at my calling him Marc and Ace complained before falling asleep mid sentence, and then waking up to accidentally knock someone's drink on their lap. To which he turned to Thatch walking by and simply started asking for more food.

At the sudden nosiness of the crowd and the growing ache in my limbs, I sat and contemplated leaving. Feeling someone's eyes on me, I whispered a quiet goodbye to no one in particular.

With a wistful smile on my face I excused myself and picked up my sheathed katana before heading to the edge of the ship, watching the pirates laugh and feast even though it seemed to be a normal dinner. I missed Samara's teasing voice suddenly, and wondered if she'd been punished because I got lost under their care.

Hmm, did that count as getting 'lost'?

"You've had a bit to drink." Mihawk murmured as he stepped forward with a glass in hand before taking a smooth sip of much of the red wine.

"Touché." I replied with a weak smile as I turned to the ocean again, the moonlight cascading dimly through thin clouds. It was a strangely eery atmosphere but it was rather homely to me now, seeing as it reminded me of Kuraigana.

Even though I knew I'd be interrupting him, I spoke anyways. I always knew when he was about to speak.


"Yes." He replied after a beat as I turned around and saw his hand now empty of the glass and him closer than I remember.

"Can we go back to," I winced at the ache in my shoulder and head getting worse, putting off what I was slowly realizing would be an embarrassing request. "Your island..sir?"

"Yes." With an almost soundless chuckle he replied, without a moment to spare. "You should.."

"I should.." Slurring my words I struggled to find the words to say another simple sentence.

"Rest." Leaning against the railing before my knees gave out, I gave a tired sigh before falling into strangely a restless sleep. Well at least something felt comfortable.

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