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a/n: sorry for the delay in updates, I've been having rly bad writers block again 🤭 thank y'all for your support though and please vote if you enjoy! (might edit if there's any mistakes)

At a rocking motion I stirred uneasily, my dreams making even the sleeping world a dangerous place. Too many scary things happened in my mind at times, with blurred but familiar faces in turmoil and..

Strange peace. It all ceased after a moment, save for the discomfort I felt in my stiff muscles.

Clutching myself tighter before groaning at how I'd pinched the burn wound on my shoulder, I pried my eyes open and stared into water so dark it appeared black before shielding my gaze from dim candlelight. Shifting my seating gently, I felt myself falling before I reached over and tried to hold myself up.

Before flinching at the sensation, my seat moving and Mihawk guarding my body from falling off anymore.

"O-oh.." I stammered, now not being able to release my grip on his shoulder at all, my body tucked into his lap as he guided his...ship..to stay on course.

Oh it's the coffin. The one I was sure he'd not have to make clear at all was fit for one person, and not two.

"It should not be long." He stated and before the words even left his mouth I started to swat wisps of fog away. Maybe it shouldn't be so easy to entertain myself.

Well if I thought about our position anymore, I'd make an embarrassing fuss about it and he would remain as cold as he's always been.

"Are you upset?" He seemed surprised at himself for asking such a thing.

"Hm? Why would I be upset?" I yawned and hid my face, feeling tired all over again but not quite having the audacity to fall asleep on purpose while sitting on the Warlord's lap. "I appreciate everything you do. I'm sorry for the delay I must have caused, getting lost like that."

"There you go again." He kept his piercing golden gaze ahead like he could see our destination through the thick fog. Which he probably could. "You slept fitfully."


"If you're sorry you won't finish that sentence."

At his words it was like my mouth was sewn up. Then the meaning sank in a little and a small snort escaped my mouth to which I gaped like I was surprised at myself.

"Oh no, oh." Uh oh, I couldn't find any words besides sorry!

But at the silence that greeted my words I boldly looked up and found his eyes facing forward still, his expression as nonchalant as ever. Oh that heavy feeling, it must be disappointment. But why? Why did I long for him to make a reaction of any sort?

Before long he was peering into my eyes as well, my zoned out gaze tracing the skin of his pale face and jaw.

"Excuse me." I squinted, turning my head away to face forward as well. Before I found his hand guiding my face to look at him once again.

"You've been neglecting sleep."

"Perhaps." I gave a sigh that turned into another yawn before I stretched my good shoulder and promptly panicked.

"Oh I'm a terrible friend! Mara's dad! I never asked even though I spoke face to face with Whitebeard!" I groaned and bit my lip, almost wanting to say more. Maybe there was a more suitable time to complain, though.

At a wet sensation from my wound, I grimaced at the new burning pain from a popped blister. Ouch. Won't be sparring Ace or any other Devil fruit eater with fire abilities anytime soon.

"Are you injured?" He inquired with a slight frown and I traced the ornate hilt of my katana before answering, Almost with surprise since he made it seem like he already knew of the said injury earlier.

"Perhaps a little." I stubbornly replied, my eyes drooping with fatigue again before he easily and gently sat me up to face him and I hurriedly clutched his shoulders with newfound energy as he pinned me with a hard glare of those frightening eyes.

"Mihawk!" I warily breathed his name, finding myself once again unable to look away from those hypnotizing eyes.

"Show me, please." I turned away and broke our locked gazes at his words and the embarrassing way I was sitting before slowly loosening my yukata and exposing the wrapped injury oozing with blood and other gross substances I cringed at. But it was still tended to quite well, as to be expected of Whitebeard's crew.

"That child gave you this injury?" He murmured as I pulled up the carefully wrapped my garments again and I nodded, shame gracing my features at more than one thing as I tried to shift into a less compromising position.

"A shame I missed such an opportunity to see your progress. He seemed equally injured though." He didn't say much more but the side of his mouth tilted into a small smirk. I only frowned deeper, worrying I'd cut Ace deeper than I'd meant to.

He couldn't have been that injured..or he was great at hiding it since he ate and acted like usual. Well I couldn't say much since I'd only known him for a few hours..

Even if he knew haki he was still a little punk at least a decade younger! If he rids himself of that pride he might make it big later on, it's good to know when to fight and run away. That was one thing Mihawk made sure I knew well.

It won't be easy though, Whitebeard might be a little too soft on him, letting him do what he likes when he likes.

As the boat silently approached the dock, I attempted to stand up before Mihawk scooped me up easily and safely placed me on the creaking wood.

"Thank you." I murmured, before realizing Mihawk had been inspecting my sword before handing it back to me.

"Do you have a name for it?" He inquired, my eyebrows shooting up in surprise. That was the last thing I'd thought of. Was it important?

As I sheathed the blade and attached it to my hip I fret inwardly, of course. He very clearly thought Yoru's name was important.

"Oh..no. I haven't the slightest clue about a name either." I thought for a moment hurriedly, nothing coming to mind easily. I almost suggested something like 'Paul' but wanted to hold onto a shred of dignity. And I didn't think he'd find it all that amusing.

At a sole memory of my father coming to mind, I thought of one of his names his friends had known him by.

"Is Aodhan an acceptable name?" I met his eyes unwaveringly, not knowing what I'd do if it was anything less than acceptable.

Before I could hear his answer, someone grabbed me from behind in a tight hug that hurt my limbs, even the uninjured one.

"You're back! Ah Mara's gonna be so jealous we saw you first." Bella cried happily, Jane not far behind in a bone crushing hug. How these little girls squeezed so hard I'd never know.

"Nice to see you back." Sam ruffled my hair with one hand, my eyes wanting to see his expression before I stretched my neck to see his uneasy gaze on Mihawk. "Mara's at the castle, she'll want to see you."

Prying myself from their grasp, I settled for Bella's tight hold on my hand as she rushed me towards the castle. I tried to focus on her words but was failing miserably and I merely settled for a smile brought from my clenched teeth along.

I focused on the paths we took, hoping I wouldn't trip or do something embarrassing before we got there. It felt like so long since I'd seen the large doors and their crashing open as Samara bursts out like a raging fire.

"Mae!" She roared and ran towards me with so much fury I was frozen in place before someone tugged me in their direction and I looked up to see a flash of lightning illuminate a familiar mustached jawline. His expression almost as stormy as the skies above us.

"We've still more to discuss." He murmured in my ear, his gentle grip still on my arm as Sam told off Samara and whatever peace we had was dissolved into bickering. At his receding hand I turned and followed him, giving an absentminded excuse me as we disappeared into the castle.

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