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I couldn't see anymore in the dark, my eyes refused to focus and my heart was not racing no, it was instead slowing down and something was lulling me to sleep but I barely held consciousness.

"It wasn't me I swear, we were just talking." Orion's voice came to my ears like my head was under a bunch of sand.

"You better hope she recovers or I will recover your head." Mihawk's voice clearly stated, that steely voice more commanding and frightening than I'd ever heard it before.

"I can-"

His words cut off as Mihawk's grip on me never left but I felt air whipping my hair into my face. We were moving at a very fast speed indeed.

"Do not fall asleep."

"Mm..but I.." I slurred again, my mind slowing with my tongue as I couldn't find the strength to just hold my head up.

"How do you think you got poisoned?" He inquired after pausing for a moment. That's rather kind, I think he's attempting to keep me awake.

"I ate something not right." I answered in a murmur eyelids fluttering before sinking down.

"We'll need more than that to work off of. Do not fall asleep." He continued, more harshly than before, a vague light from the castle casted onto my face.

"But I'm tired." The words barely came out as a whisper and when I came to a moment later he was laying me down gently in a bed more lavish than I was used to.

At the sensation I finally sank into an uncontrolled deep sleep I could not fight before I swear he said something last.


It had to be a dream.

For my mother's face to come to mind, someone I'd accepted would not be in my life. But I saw it, or at least how I remembered her.

When I reached out to grasp her face my hand was not marred by callouses or old scars, but it was a youthful hand that held her face before she faded away and I pried my eyes open with the help of my tears.

When I opened my eyes I was met with scarlet velvet lined sheets and dark walls. Silk covered the pillow cases and the scent that greeted my nose was pleasant but definitely not like the floral of my own room.

Unthinkingly I rolled over before a groan escaped my lips at the pain in my newly wrapped arm and the stomachache I vaguely felt.

"I'd not roll over on that side." I couldn't find the strength to get up but I knew that voice. "In fact I would not move at all."

"I'm.." I flushed at my croaky voice and weakly attempted to clear my throat before speaking more quietly than before. "I'm sorry I've taken up residence in your bed. I have no recollection of how I..got here."

Setting down presumably a large book, he walked up to my side and I struggled to keep eye contact because I could not imagine how I must have looked just then as I felt like hell.

"It was not your fault but mine. I should apologize, it appears I've failed to recognize a threat in our midst. How are you feeling? You've been asleep for four days."

"Four days?" I croaked, attempting to rise out of bed before a headache almost split my skull open and Mihawk held out a hand.

"That poison should have immediately killed you. The fact that the child must have split the dosage with you must have helped." He mused for a moment before going back to the chair he'd originally sat at. "You are fairing better than her and she had the antidote immediately."

At that I sunk down into the pillows again before my heart leapt at the thought of who they belonged to and the drowsiness that once forced me under dissipated abruptly.

"Is there anything I can do? I've been useless for days already." I murmured the last part as I covered my eyes with my good arm, a painful twinging in my heart I knew wasn't from any poison.

"Rest is good for the body and mind. I expect that from you only, and you are welcome to my bath." He rose and I took my arm down to eye his leaving form. "I will be back."

Did he just say I stink? I thought after a moment and then I sprung up and immediately regretted it as my headache increased tenfold and I meekly kneeled on the floor before noticing I definitely was not in the clothes I wore four days ago either.

I have resigned to myself I have nothing else to be embarrassed about and I have put aside my feelings for good. I have no more pride.

Tentatively walking to the much better furnished bathroom than my own, I must have taken half an hour at least to scrub myself down of the filth I accumulated before I relaxed in the tub water and was startled out of my stupor by a knock at the door.

"I have left food at the side table and when you are ready, someone would like to visit you."

"Thank you." I simply answered and hastily or as fast as I could I began to dry myself off. Food sounded very very good and hopefully a friend? I tried not to smile too much at the thought.

A set of strange foods greeted me on the said side table though and I almost eyed them in distrust until the thought occurred to me that Mihawk could have made them himself.

There was a questionably colored warm liquid in a large mug and a big steaming bowl of chicken soup but the chicken was shaped in small dumplings, and finally a bowl of what looked like blueberries but with a syrup over sat nicely in a small bowl.

Tentatively sipping the warm liquid, the spicy taste of garlic offset with honey almost made me cough but I held it all in and tasted the chicken soup which was garlic flavored in a way I was better used to and I devoured it all to quickly.

As I sat and sipped the drink slowly and tried to get them to even out the their flavors as tart as the berries were, I found the gloomy scenery outside his window was strangely pleasant.

"It appears the food was to your liking." I didn't need to see their face to know who's voice it was.

"It was, I needed that. Thank you." I turned around then and almost said more until a knock at the door pricked my ears and I sat down.

Mihawk gave me a look and without his eyes ever leaving me, he simply said 'enter.'

Perking up immediately I met Samara's eyes and smiled until I saw how red and tired they were and she teared up just looking at me.

"Oh Mae I'm so sorry! I didn't..I know I was mean before you went out and you have always been so kind..next I hear you were on your death bed and no one can see you until you're recovered! I'm sorry." I simply wiped her tears away and furrowed my brow at her words.

"My..death bed?"

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