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When I woke up this time, I found new clothes at one of the dresses and assumed the black t-shirt and pants were mine as of now.

For a while, I'd forgotten what it felt like to get to wear regular clothing. The situation was strange but I suppose it didn't matter if everything worked out.

Biscuit and Alice were no where to be found in my room but I soon found them both rubbing against the doorway of the very parlor room I was headed towards.

"Oh you're too smart." I murmured but refrained from bending down to touch them as I walked in the doorway and found him with no cloak but instead an open shirt baring most of his chest.

"Grab food if you haven't already, long day ahead." He rose to head out before me I assumed but as I moved out of the way, my eyes met someone else's completely new ones.

"Is there anything else I should know?" I inquired quietly to which he looked into the hallway, as if just now registering another living being in the castle.

"I've called in some maintenance on the house. And they should get a bathroom on your floor working."

"Ay, is that what we're supposed to do?" The tall man chuckled as he walked up, scabbard strapped with a huge sword jutting out underneath catching my eye. "Can't be helped I suppose. Mihawk, who's the little lady?"

I stood quite still, though he'd given me no reason to be afraid of him yet. And two shorter heads popped up behind him.

"I'm Maera, perhaps you could call me Mae if you wish." I answered quickly when it appeared he would not for me.

At my words two hands rushed to grab mine and give me hearty shakes which I barely stabilized myself against, two blonde haired siblings I assumed, grinning ear to ear.

"Howdy pretty girl!" The shorter girl grinned and tugged on her braid after a moment, as if suddenly shy. "I-I'm Samara and this is Samuel."

Samuel then grabbed my hand once again but kneeling he kissed my hand and held it for a moment.

"Hello there." I probably had the stupidest awkward smile on my face but the motion was sweet in a way? Not sure anymore. People are not my thing, especially when they're being nice to me. He took my silence as encouragement and sent a smirk my way.

"I'm Jackson, we all came from the same pirate crew. We've not gotten a request from this warlord in years and he suddenly asks us to fix up this place?" The older man laughed and then stared me dead in the eyes. "It was scary. He showed up behind our ship the moment we crossed a little too deep into the grand line, thought we'd visit Davy Jones' locker for a moment there. Ah, excuse me."

After that he followed Mihawk down the corridor, and their words faded away as the two teenagers started to talk my ears off.

"So did he pay for you?" A very loud smack was heard as his sister got him good on the back of the head.

"Shut your dirty mouth creep!" Samara snapped with fire in her eyes as he rubbed the bump forming on the back of his head. "How old are you, Mae?"

"Last I checked, 27." At that Samara laughed and Samuel looked at her with daggers in his eyes.

"See that? She's too mature and refined for you brat!" She chortled and he threatened her while she coughed after choking on her own spit through her laughter without a care to what he said.

I get the message. I'm old. My eyes narrowed at her words and unspoken message.

"And you guys are pirates also?" I tried to ask through her rowdyness, whilst Samuel then gave me his full attention and puffed up his chest.

"You betcha. Our father has been first mate for years with out Captain Jones of the Fireside Pirates. We come from the North Sea, on the eastern side of Rubeck island and the forests aren't unlike those here. But ya know, just between you and me this place is a lot creepier than anyplace I've seen on the grand line yet."

As he whispered the last part, Samara sighed dreamily and I looked at what drew her attention. Outside my employer stood with Jackson, frilly sleeved top blown open by the drafty wind between the trees. From here they looked much smaller than usual with the distance but Samara was happy all the same.

"Oh some girls get it all." She huffed after I'd turned my attention and was about to make my way outside as well to which I turned again and found her envious gaze on me.


"Oh you know exactly what I mean. Handsome Warlord all to yourself where no one would dare bother y'all. God really has favorites huh! And you're not even half bad yourself, doe eyes and heart shaped face. Oh I could just.."

And then she did, pinch my cheeks so hard I struggled to get away from her whereas Samuel took in the sight for a moment before angrily pinching Samara's cheeks harder than mine before I got away breathless with hands on both sides of my face to cool their burning.

"Ouch." I contained all my pain in a single word before walking swiftly to try and avoid them, but an arm was already on my shoulder the second step I took as they both chattered in my ear and Samuel kept us all together so there was probably no more walking by myself for the time being.

"Anyone got a snack?"

"We just ate on the ship two hours ago!"

"You said it, two hours ago." Samara answered provoking another skirmish which left me by myself again, and successfully reminded me of how hungry I was.

Oh no, I forgot to get something to eat. I almost let a tear escape at that thought, my stomach uncomfortably empty as I'd gotten used to at least a slice of toast in these wee hours of the morning.

I eyed the hallway leading to the kitchen but escape wasn't an option anymore as the twins led me out the doors.

"Thought they'd never let you leave huh?" Jackson joked as soon as we got closer to them and I tried not to nod too much but Samara caught it anyways and put a strangely affectionate arm around my shoulders.

Getting close to my ear she whispered, "Can I have whatever's in that basket?"

I raised an eyebrow at her request then found a weaved basket between us I hadn't noticed before.

Opening my mouth to respond to her, Jackson suddenly called them both to head back into the Castle and I found myself looking at their backs after a moment, her disappointed sigh echoing in the clearing and her complaints swallowed by the foggy air.

They hadn't gotten far when his voice startled me from my stare.

"Ready to get started?"

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